- 0 dependencies just
are needed as peer dependencies. - 100% test coverage.
- Written in Typescript just like the DGraph library so you get IntelliSense.
- Write one line statements to persist data that would take multiple lines with the base library.
Functions including "commit" indicate they will be set to "commitNow" Functions including "txn" indicate they create their own transactions and can be directly awaited.
This library is pre 1.0 and there might be some small API changes, that said everything is a small function so you could always ctrl-c ctrl-v it out of the repo if things change.
const users = [
{ username: 'foo' }
{ username: 'bar' }
const id1 = await xExtractUids(xSetJSONCommitTxn(users, dgraphClient));
const updateJunior = {
skill: 'Javascript',
level: 10,
x: 'y',
y: 'y',
z: 'y'
// If you already had a node in the db that looks like:
const existingNode = {
skill: 'Javascript',
level: 10,
x: 'foo',
y: 'foo',
z: 'foo'
// You can pass an array of values to update, or just an object.
const updates = [updateJunior];
// The basicEqualityUpsertFn below will find any nodes that has both skill and level predicates.
const upsertFn = basicEqualityUpsertFn(['skill', 'level']);
// x, y and z will be updated from 'foo' to 'y', because both skill and level match.
// If no node matched both skill 'Javascript' and level '10' a new node would be created.
// We can await this direclty as it includes commit and txn postfix.
const [uid] = await xUpsertCommitTxn(upsertFn, updates, dgraphClient);
// It returns the uids of the found or created nodes.
// If you want it as part of a bigger transaction there is also a xUpsertObject function you could use.
Checkout all the functions in API documentation
Please do feel free to submit a PR.
Install docker then run yarn run dgraph-test-db-up
Now just call yarn run test
You can also setup Wallaby JS as a test runner. I am a fan.
- Make changes
- Commit those changes
yarn run commit
- Test
yarn run test
- Bump version in
- Generate changelog
yarn run generate-changelog
- Publish
yarn publish
- Commit
and lib files - Git tag - needed by changelog to know what version to attribute the commits to
- Push