A gem that makes it easy to change the default order of PostgreSQL database rows by the addition of a modifiable integer column.
- Automatic reordering on Active Record CRUD operations
- Configurable record positioning
- Positioning field migration generator
Let's consider the AR image model that implements the orderable
method. Its positioning field name is set as position
and it has only 2 properties - id
and label
. Images table content is presented below.
id | name | position |
1 | "A" | 1 |
2 | "B" | 2 |
3 | "C" | 0 |
class Image < ApplicationRecord
orderable :position
Image.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["A", 1], ["B", 2], ["C", 0]]
Image.ordered.pluck(:label) # => ["C", "A", "B"]
# on create
image = Image.create(label: "D")
image.position # => 3
Image.ordered.pluck(:label) # => ["C", "A", "B", "D"]
# on update
image.update(position: 2)
Image.ordered.pluck(:label) # => ["C", "A", "D", "B"]
# on destroy
Image.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["C", 0], ["A", 1], ["B", 2]]
Notice that you can pass direction :asc
to ordered
scope as parameter:
Image.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["A", 1], ["B", 2], ["C", 0]]
# :asc by default
Image.ordered.pluck(:label) # => ["C", "A", "B"]
Image.ordered(:asc).pluck(:label) # => ["C", "A", "B"]
# :desc
Image.ordered(:desc).pluck(:label) # => ["B", "A", "C"]
Install the orderable gem from Rubygems:
$ gem install orderable
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'orderable', 'VERSION'
Then run:
$ bundle install
In the Rails project directory, type the command:
$ rails generate orderable:migration table_name:field_name scopes
: name of the table for which positioning field migration will be generatedfield_name
: name of the new column that will be added and used for positioningscopes
: additional scopes separated with spaces used to put unique index on the whole group
Generated migration will be placed in your default migrations directory db/migrate
Let's consider an Image
model with foreign keys for Owner
and Project
. The following command should be run:
$ rails generate orderable:migration Image:position owner_id project_id
This will generate migration adding position
column to images
table with unique index on position
, owner_id
and project_id
The next step is to migrate database with:
$ rails db:migrate
Currently, the default Rails schema
does not support deferrable unique index. If you want to ensure uniqueness on orderable field after rebuilding the database from schema, you need to change it to structure schema
. For more information on how to do it, see the link.
To use orderable on added column you need to specify it in model by calling orderable
orderable :orderable_field_name
Optional named arguments:
Attribute | Value | Default | Description |
scope |
array of symbols | [] |
scope same as in unique index (uniqueness of this fields combination would be ensured) |
auto_set |
boolean | true |
if true and positioning field value is not specified, it inserts a new record on the bottom for decremental sequence or on the top for incremental sequence on create |
sequence |
:incremental or :decremental |
:incremental |
value used to determine positioning sequence |
validate |
boolean | true |
if true , it validates numericality of positioning field value, as well as being in range <0, M> , where M stands for the biggest positioning field value |
from |
integer | 0 | base value from which sequence starts |
Let's say a user has few cover and profile photos. Using orderable with scope will allow user to customize their order separately.
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
orderable :position, scope: :type
scope :profile, -> { where(type: 'profile') }
scope :cover, -> { where(type: 'cover') }
Photo.pluck(:label, :position, :type) # => [["A", 0, "profile"], ["E", 1, "cover"], ["C", 2, "profile"], ["B", 1, "profile"], ["D", 0, "cover"]]
Photo.ordered.pluck(:label) # => ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
Photo.profile.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["A", 0], ["B", 1], ["C", 2]]
Photo.cover.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["D", 0], ["E", 1]]
# on create
photo = Photo.create(label: "F", type: "profile")
photo.position # => 3
Photo.profile.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["A", 0], ["B", 1], ["C", 2], ["F", 3]]
Photo.cover.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["D", 0], ["E", 1]]
# on update
photo.update(type: "cover")
photo.position # => 2
Photo.profile.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["A", 0], ["B", 1], ["C", 2]]
Photo.cover.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["D", 0], ["E", 1], ["F", 2]]
photo.update(position: 1)
Photo.profile.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["A", 0], ["B", 1], ["C", 2]]
Photo.cover.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["D", 0], ["F", 1], ["E", 2]]
# on destroy
Photo.profile.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["A", 0], ["B", 1], ["C", 2]]
Photo.cover.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["D", 0], ["E", 1]]
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
orderable :position, auto_set: true # by default
image = Image.create(label: "A") # => OK
image.position # => 0
image = Image.create(label: "B") # => OK
Image.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["A", 0], ["B", 1]]
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
orderable :position, auto_set: false
Post.create(title: "A") # => validation error (position is not specified)
Post.create(title: "A", position: 0) # => OK
Post.create(title: "B", position: 0) # => OK
Post.ordered.pluck(:title, :position) # => [["B", 0], ["A", 1]]
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
orderable :position, validation: true # by default
Image.count # => 0
Image.create(label: "A", position: -1) # => validation error (cannot be negative)
Image.create(label: "A", position: 1) # => validation error (no image with position 0)
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
orderable :position, validation: false
Post.count # => 0
Post.create(title: "A title", position: -1) # => OK
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
orderable :position, from: 10
Image.create(label: "A")
Image.create(label: "B")
Image.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["A", 10], ["B", 11]]
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
orderable :position, from: 10, sequence: :decremental
Image.create(label: "A")
Image.create(label: "B")
Image.create(label: "C")
Image.ordered.pluck(:label, :position) # => [["C", 8], ["B", 9], ["A", 10]]
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.