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Veil API (beta)

The Veil REST API provides endpoints to interact with Veil in all the ways possible through our web app. You can list and filter markets, get open orders and trade histories, and create and cancel your own orders in open markets.

A word of caution

Veil is still in the early stages of development, and we expect the API to change over time. While the API remains in beta, backwards compatibility is best-effort. During that time, we're happy to work with you directly on keeping your integrations up-to-date.


Join us on Discord or email us at [email protected]. If you have a recommendation about the API documentation, feel free to open an issue.

The Veil API is maintained by @gkaemmer, @mertcelebi, and @pfletcherhill.


If you are using JavaScript or TypeScript, we recommend checking out veil-js. It's a thin wrapper around the API and automatically handles things such as authentication and signing orders.


Sending requests

The API prefix is For example, to get all markets, you'd send a request to

All successful requests will contain a data key at the root, whereas failing requests will return an error key:

  "data": { "results": { ... }, ... }
// OR
  "errors": [{ "message": "Market not found", "code": "OTHER_ERROR" }]

Units and data types

  • Dates are returned as an integer number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
  • Numbers are returned as strings for precision.
    • The length of a number depends on its type. Consider the following order:
      "currency_amount": "229300000000000000",
      "price": "2293",
      "token_amount": "100000000000000",
    • currency_amount is denominated in wei (10e-18 ETH). Dividing by 10e18 gives us an ETH amount, 0.2293 ETH.
    • price is always an integer between 0 and a market's number of ticks. Assuming 10000 ticks, the price here is 0.2293 ETH/SHARE
    • token_amount can be multiplied by a market's number of ticks to give a unit denominated in wei. Assuming 10000 ticks again, token_amount here corresponds to 1.00 SHARE (meaning up to 1 ETH of payout).
    • Therefore, currency_amount (in ETH) is always equal to price multiplied by token_amount.
  • Lists are returned as pages, which have the following form:
      "results": [ ... ],
      "total": 10,
      "page": 0,
      "pageSize": 100

Shares primer

Veil markets are built on Augur and inherit the basic mechanics of Augur shares and prices.

A Veil market has two tokens: LONG and SHORT. By holding shares of LONG or SHORT tokens, you hold a "position" in the market. When the market ends, its LONG and SHORT shares are redeemable for ETH, with the rates depending on the market's result.

In yes/no markets (e.g. "Will ETH be above $100 at the end of 2018?"), the payout goes entirely to one share token—LONG if the market resolves to "Yes" and SHORT if the market resolves to "No".

In scalar markets (e.g. "What will be the price of ETH at the end of 2018?"), the payout is split between LONG and SHORT tokens according to where the result (e.g. the price of ETH) falls within the market's "bounds" (set by min_price and max_price).

Note: Together, 1 LONG share and 1 SHORT share are always redeemable for exactly 1 ETH.

The price of a Veil share token is therefore always somewhere between 0 and 1 ETH per share, depending on what the market predicts that each token's payout will be.

Check out the Guide to Augur Market Economics and the Guide to the Veil order book for more information about shares, share prices, and payouts in Veil markets.

Prices and amounts in scalar markets

Yes/no markets always have 10000 ticks. This is an Augur standard, and means that prices between 0% and 100% are accurate to the nearest 0.01%.

Scalar markets, however, have a unique number of ticks, depending on their bounds. Scalar markets' bounds are expressed in a different unit (often USD, in the case of "What will be the price of X in USD on Dec. 4?"). The bounds might be $12.31 and $18.02. If there were only 10000 prices between $12.31 and $18.02, the USD values corresponding to those prices would be in very odd steps of $0.000571. $12.32, for example, would actually not be a valid price from 0 to 10000. If you instead use 5710 ticks, then there is an integer price that corresponds to exactly $12.32, $12.33, and so on.

In a market with num_ticks = 5710, a price of 2293 doesn't mean 0.2293 ETH/share. Instead, it corresponds to a price of 2293/5710 = ~.4015 ETH/share.

Note: Always divide price by num_ticks to get the actual "share price" between 0 and 1.

With a unique num_ticks, the unit on token_amount in scalar markets is also affected. In most places, when we say "1 SHARE" we really mean enough integer shares to have a "maximum payout" of 1 ETH. The "maximum payout" of a token is when its price is equal to num_ticks.

So when num_ticks is a funky number like 5710, a token amount of 100000000000000 corresponds to a different maximum payout than in a market with 10000 ticks. In other words, don't trust raw token amounts.

Note: Always multiply token_amount by num_ticks to get an actual number of shares (or, in other words, a maximum payout).

Note that the equality of token_amount * price = currency_amount still stands. That is the most important property of token amounts, prices, and currency amounts in all Veil markets.


Veil uses authentication tokens to restrict access to private methods (quote and order creation, order cancelation, etc.). The token is passed using the Authorization header as follows:

Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

To get a temporary authentication token, you must sign a unique, one-time "session challenge" using an ethereum address. The ethereum address you use must be registered on Veil. Session challenges can be created using the POST /session_challenges endpoint.

To sign a session challenge, you can sign any UTF-8 string containing its uid. Signing is performed using the ethereum eth_sign standard.

To create a session, you pass the signature to the POST /sessions endpoint, which returns the token.

For an example implementation of authentication, take a look at the authenticate method of veil-js.

Public endpoints

GET /markets

Fetch a list of markets.


  • status: open or resolved. Filters markets by their status. If omitted, both open and resolved markets are returned.
  • channel: btc, rep, zrx, gas, hash_rate, or memes. Filters markets by the channel they're in.
  • page: An 0-based integer page number to request. A maximum of 10 markets are returned per page.


GET /markets?status=open&channel=zrx:

  "data": {
    "results": [
        "name": "What will be the price of ZRX in USD at 12am UTC on December 22, 2018?",
        "address": "0xcd301ba9478e42706e493d7a5c822f6e2d6c2111",
        "details": "Will resolve at the last trade price before midnight UTC on CryptoCompare.",
        "created_at": 1544832033056,
        "ends_at": 1545436800000,
        "num_ticks": "10000",
        "min_price": "160000000000000000",
        "max_price": "380000000000000000",
        "limit_price": null,
        "type": "scalar",
        "uid": "acbe139b-c423-4746-b02e-d2bc6279020e",
        "slug": "zrx-usd-2018-12-22",
        "result": null,
        "long_buyback_order": null,
        "short_buyback_order": null,
        "long_token": "0x87f73640e6a260f1e68db783b8b6824496b2c8c8",
        "short_token": "0x31fc9c86da18a581db52a7b1fad291d9b39ac024",
        "denomination": "USD",
        "channel": "zrx",
        "index": "zrx-usd",
        "predicted_price": "6020",
        "metadata": {},
        "final_value": null
    "total": 1,
    "page": 0,
    "page_size": 10

GET /markets/:slug

Fetch a single market using its "slug" (a relatively short human-readable identifier).




GET /markets/zrx-usd-2018-12-22:

  "data": {
    "name": "What will be the price of ZRX in USD at 12am UTC on December 22, 2018?",
    "address": "0xcd301ba9478e42706e493d7a5c822f6e2d6c2111",
    "details": "Will resolve at the last trade price before midnight UTC on CryptoCompare.",
    "created_at": 1544832033056,
    "ends_at": 1545436800000,
    "num_ticks": "10000",
    "min_price": "160000000000000000",
    "max_price": "380000000000000000",
    "limit_price": null,
    "type": "scalar",
    "uid": "acbe139b-c423-4746-b02e-d2bc6279020e",
    "slug": "zrx-usd-2018-12-22",
    "result": null,
    "long_buyback_order": null,
    "short_buyback_order": null,
    "long_token": "0x87f73640e6a260f1e68db783b8b6824496b2c8c8",
    "short_token": "0x31fc9c86da18a581db52a7b1fad291d9b39ac024",
    "denomination": "USD",
    "channel": "zrx",
    "index": "zrx-usd",
    "predicted_price": "6020",
    "metadata": {},
    "final_value": null

GET /markets/:slug/(long|short)/bids and GET /markets/:slug/(long|short)/asks

Fetch the bids (open buy orders) or asks (open sell orders) for a market. You can fetch orders for either LONG or SHORT tokens (in Veil markets, the LONG and SHORT order books are always mirror images of each other).

Bids are sorted by price descending, and asks are sorted by price ascending, so you can get the spread of a market by comparing the first bid and first ask.




GET /markets/zrx-usd-2018-12-22/long/bids

  "data": {
    "results": [
        "token_amount": "100000000000000",
        "price": "5620"
    "total": 1,
    "page": 0,
    "page_size": 10000

GET /markets/:slug/(long|short)/order_fills

Fetch the order fill history in a market for either LONG or SHORT tokens.




GET /markets/zrx-usd-1-2019-01-01/long/order_fills

  "data": {
    "results": [
        "uid": "37bd71f2-8947-4451-99ba-038690bcbba5",
        "token_amount": "10000000000000",
        "price": "350",
        "status": "completed",
        "created_at": 1545036189196,
        "side": "sell"
        "uid": "fafb2f7b-9bc5-42ad-83be-018a0ffdfe48",
        "token_amount": "10362694300518",
        "price": "350",
        "status": "completed",
        "created_at": 1543277830930,
        "side": "sell"
    "total": 28,
    "page": 0,
    "page_size": 100

POST /session_challenges

Create a session challenge. The uid of the session challenge must be included in a signed message passed to POST /sessions.

For more information, see Authentication.




POST /session_challenges:

  "data": {
    "created_at": 1545089935438,
    "uid": "33d2d822-7956-4ab3-9dfd-a5e9d64c886b"

POST /sessions

Create a session by passing a signed session challenge. The uid of the session challenge must be included in a signed message passed to POST /sessions.

You must sign the challenge with an address that is already registered on Veil.

For more information, see Authentication.


  • challenge_uid: The uid of the session challenge used to create this session.
  • message: Any message that contains the challenge's uid. For simplicity, this can just be the exact uid, unchanged. (This is used to give users more context when signing online.)
  • signature: The result of signing message. To obtain this value, call eth_sign with message. The signature should be in hexadecimal and prefixed with 0x (the standard format is RSV, so make sure that your signature library is consistent).


POST /sessions
  "challenge_uid": "717ababf-9f71-4c3c-b43f-f007ac0a3fb4",
  "message": "717ababf-9f71-4c3c-b43f-f007ac0a3fb4",
  "signature": "0x4c19c7a293e5e85360c95fd539329cc654747cd781c2f17718ae67be3dfaf12c19070517a503d1f5797480f885a8867603cc7003d0ec6657b7cc6a511a5a64981c"


  "data": {
    "token": "eyJhbG[...]",
    "account": {
      "uid": "549a30ea-2e36-462c-ae44-d0202b803547",
      "created_at": 1545036189196
      "email": "[email protected]"
      "address": "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678"
      "username": "example"

GET /orders

Requires authentication. Fetches all orders that you've created in a particular market, including orders that have been filled.


  • market (required): The slug of a market.
  • status (optional): Status of the order ("pending" | "open" | "filled" | "canceled" | "expired"). If not specified, all orders are returned.


GET /orders:

  "data": {
    "results": [
        "uid": "3e4fd40d-176f-432f-8f0b-d0a600d55a1f",
        "status": "filled",
        "created_at": 1543509213537,
        "expires_at": 100000000000000,
        "type": "limit",
        "token_type": "short",
        "side": "buy",
        "price": "2293",
        "token": "0x598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
        "token_amount": "100000000000000",
        "token_amount_filled": "0",
        "currency": "0xe7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
        "currency_amount": "229300000000000000",
        "currency_amount_filled": "0",
        "post_only": false,
        "market": null,
        fills: [...] // Order fills associated with the order
    "total": 10,
    "page": 0,
    "page_size": 10000

POST /quotes

Requires authentication. Create a Veil quote, which is used to calculate fees and generate an unsigned 0x order, which is in turn required to create a Veil order.


  • quote (required): An object with the following fields:
    • side (required): Either "buy" or "sell"
    • token (required): The address of the token you wish to buy. Can be obtained from market.long_token or market.short_token.
    • token_amount (required): The amount of token you wish to buy or sell. Note that this number is expressed as an integer shifted by 14 decimal places. To purchase "1 share" in a Veil market, you would set token_amount to "100000000000000"
    • price (required): The price you wish to buy or sell at, expressed as an stringified integer greater than 0 and less than the market's num_ticks.
    • type (required): This must be "limit". Support for market orders is on its way.


POST /quotes
  "quote": {
    "side": "buy",
    "token": "0x598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
    "token_amount": "100000000000000",
    "price": "4000",
    "type": "limit"

Example response:

  "uid": "5d93b874-bde1-4af1-b7af-ae726943f549",
  "order_hash": "0x39c5934cff5e608743f845a8c6950cc897ed75d8127023887d9715fa3c60c27c",
  "created_at": 1543510274469,
  "expires_at": 100000000000000,
  "quote_expires_at": 1543510334469,
  "token": "0x598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
  "currency": "0xe7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
  "side": "buy",
  "type": "limit",
  "currency_amount": "400000000000000000",
  "token_amount": "100000000000000",
  "fillable_token_amount": "0",
  "fee_amount": "4000000000000000",
  "price": "4000",
  "zero_ex_order": {
    "salt": "35666599517228498817069108086005958238926633694259560734477953229163342485507",
    "maker_fee": "0",
    "taker_fee": "0",
    "maker_address": "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678",
    "taker_address": "0xe779275c0e3006fe67e9163e991f1305f1b6fe99",
    "sender_address": "0xe779275c0e3006fe67e9163e991f1305f1b6fe99",
    "maker_asset_data": "0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000e7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
    "taker_asset_data": "0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
    "exchange_address": "0x35dd2932454449b14cee11a94d3674a936d5d7b2",
    "maker_asset_amount": "404000000000000000",
    "taker_asset_amount": "100000000000000",
    "fee_recipient_address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "expiration_time_seconds": "100000000600"

POST /orders

Requires authentication. Creates an order using a generated quote. To call this method, you must first create a quote and sign the quote's zero_ex_order, which you then pass as an argument to this endpoint.


  • order (required): An object with the following fields:
    • zero_ex_order (required): The signed 0x order.
    • quote_uid (required): The uid of the quote that was used to create this order.


POST /orders
  "orders": {
    "quote_uid": "5d93b874-bde1-4af1-b7af-ae726943f549",
    "zero_ex_order": {
      "salt": "35666599517228498817069108086005958238926633694259560734477953229163342485507",
      "maker_fee": "0",
      "taker_fee": "0",
      "maker_address": "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678",
      "taker_address": "0xe779275c0e3006fe67e9163e991f1305f1b6fe99",
      "sender_address": "0xe779275c0e3006fe67e9163e991f1305f1b6fe99",
      "maker_asset_data": "0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000e7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
      "taker_asset_data": "0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
      "exchange_address": "0x35dd2932454449b14cee11a94d3674a936d5d7b2",
      "maker_asset_amount": "404000000000000000",
      "taker_asset_amount": "100000000000000",
      "fee_recipient_address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "expiration_time_seconds": "100000000600",
      "signature": "0x1bd1488919bd9c1d3dacb5b5b13fc1774f95d8279946ce75b719bfb319136645337015f77e38ca8afa651603dbdff5df9d94c7d182cd84f9ea4cf632531226c69b03"

Example response:

  "uid": "77fb963c-6b78-48ce-b030-7a08246e1f9f",
  "status": "open",
  "created_at": 1543510274884,
  "expires_at": 100000000000000,
  "type": "limit",
  "token_type": "short",
  "side": "buy",
  "price": "4000",
  "token": "0x598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
  "token_amount": "100000000000000",
  "token_amount_filled": "0",
  "currency": "0xe7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
  "currency_amount": "400000000000000000",
  "currency_amount_filled": "0",
  "post_only": false,
  "market": null

DELETE /orders/:uid

Requires authentication. Cancels an order.




DELETE /orders/77fb963c-6b78-48ce-b030-7a08246e1f9f:

  "uid": "77fb963c-6b78-48ce-b030-7a08246e1f9f",
  "status": "open",
  "created_at": 1543510274884,
  "expires_at": 100000000000000,
  "type": "limit",
  "token_type": "short",
  "side": "buy",
  "price": "4000",
  "token": "0x598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
  "token_amount": "100000000000000",
  "token_amount_filled": "0",
  "currency": "0xe7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
  "currency_amount": "400000000000000000",
  "currency_amount_filled": "0",
  "post_only": false,
  "market": null

GET /markets/:slug/balances

Requires authentication. Returns the market balances for the authenticated user.




GET /markets/zrx-usd-1-2019-01-01/balances:

  "long_balance": "10000000000000",
  "long_balance_clean": "100000000000000000", // long_balance * market.num_ticks
  "short_balance": "40000000000000",
  "short_balance_clean": "400000000000000000", // short_balance * market.num_ticks
  "veil_ether_balance": "200000000000000000",
  "ether_balance": "200000000000000000"


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