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Docker image to run a virtual HSM (Hardware Security Module) network service based on SoftHSM2 and pkcs11-proxy.


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  1. What is it?
  2. Docker image tagging scheme
  3. Usage
  4. License

What is it?

SoftHSM has been developed for development purposes only. Don't use in production!

Docker image to run a virtual HSM (Hardware Security Module) network service based on SoftHSM2 and pkcs11-proxy.

Client applications can communicate with the HSM via TCP/TLS using and an OpenSSL TLS-PSK:

Docker image tagging scheme

Tag Description OS
build of the latest available release Alpine Latest
:latest-debian build of the latest available release Debian Stable
daily build of the development branch Alpine Latest
:develop-debian build of the development branch Debian Stable
build of the latest minor version of the respective
major release, e.g. 2.x may contain release 2.1
Alpine Latest
:2.x-debian build of the latest minor version of the respective
major release, e.g. 2.x may contain release 2.1
Debian Stable

See all tags at


Service Configuration

SoftHSMv2 internal storage is located at /var/lib/softhsm/.

The PKCS11 Daemon listens on port 2345 by default.

The docker image can be configured via the following environment variables:

Name Comment Default
INIT_SH_FILE Path to a file that shall be automatically executed on container start. /opt/
TOKEN_AUTO_CREATE If a token shall be created on container start if it is not already existing based on the following values: 0 = no or 1 = yes 1
TOKEN_LABEL Name of the token to auto-create. Test Token
TOKEN_USER_PIN User pin of the token to auto-create. 1234
TOKEN_USER_PIN_FILE Path to file containing the user pin. Value in this file takes precedence over TOKEN_USER_PIN variable. empty
TOKEN_SO_PIN SO (Security Officer/Admin user) pin of the token to auto-create. 5678
TOKEN_SO_PIN_FILE Path to file containing SO pin. Value in the file takes precedence over TOKEN_SO_PIN variable. empty
TOKEN_IMPORT_TEST_DATA Specifies if a test certificate shall be imported: 0 = no or 1 = yes 0
PKCS11_DAEMON_SOCKET Socket the PKCS11 daemon listens. tls://
PKCS11_PROXY_TLS_PSK_FILE File containing the PKCS11 daemon's OpenSSL TLS-PSK (pre-shared key). /opt/test.tls.psk
SOFTHSM_STORAGE Specifies what backend shall be used to store the token: file or db (aka sqlite) file


  1. Running with default test configuration:

    docker run -it -name softhsm vegardit/docker-softhsm2-pkcs11-proxy
  2. Running with custom settings:

    docker run -it --rm \
       -name softhsm-server \
       # define a custom token name:
       -e TOKEN_LABEL="MyToken" \
       # use custom pins stored in files:
       -e TOKEN_USER_PIN_FILE="/mnt/config/token_user_pin" \
       -e TOKEN_SO_PIN_FILE="/mnt/config/token_so_pin" \
       # use a custom TLS pre-shared key:
       -e PKCS11_PROXY_TLS_PSK_FILE="/mnt/config/pkcs11_proxy.psk" \
       # expose port 2345
       -p 2345:2345 \
       # mount config and data directories:
       -v /path/to/config:/mnt/config:ro \
       -v /path/to/data:/var/lib/softhsm:rw \
  3. Same as docker-compose file:

    version: '3.8'
        image: vegardit/softhsm2-pkcs11-proxy:latest
          TOKEN_LABEL: MyToken # define a custom token name
          TOKEN_USER_PIN_FILE: /mnt/config/token_user_pin # use custom pin stored in file
          TOKEN_SO_PIN_FILE: /mnt/config/token_so_pin     # use custom pin stored in file
          TOKEN_IMPORT_TEST_DATA: 0 # don't import test data
          PKCS11_PROXY_TLS_PSK_FILE: /mnt/config/pkcs11_proxy.psk # use a custom TLS pre-shared key
          - 2345:2345
          /path/to/config:/mnt/config:ro    # mount config directory readonly
          /path/to/data:/var/lib/softhsm:rw # mount data directory writable
            condition: on-failure
            delay: 5s

Client Usage Example

This is a simple exercise to get you familiar with how a client container can interact remotely with the SoftHSM via the PKCS11 proxy

  1. Download one of the example dockerfiles client.alpine.Dockerfile or client.debian.Dockerfile.

  2. Build the image using:

    $ docker build -f /path/to/Dockerfile --tag softhsm-client .
  3. Start the docker images:

    # create a docker network through which both containers can communicate
    $ docker network create softhsm-net
    # start the SoftHSM server in test mode:
    $ docker run -it --rm \
        --net softhsm-net \
        --hostname softhsm-server \
    # in a second terminal window start the client:
    $ docker run -it --rm \
        --net softhsm-net \
        -e PKCS11_PROXY_SOCKET=tls://softhsm-server:2345 \
        -e PKCS11_PROXY_TLS_PSK_FILE=/opt/test.tls.psk \
  4. Test network communication

    In the shell of the client container you can now test connectivity to the server using the pkcs11-tool.

    # first define an alias that loads the required proxy module
    $ alias p11tool='pkcs11-tool --module /usr/local/lib/'
    # show all slots
    $ p11tool --list-slots
      # output:
      Available slots:
      Slot 0 (0x3e2d07e4): SoftHSM slot ID 0x3e2d07e4
        token label        : Test Token
        token manufacturer : SoftHSM project
        token model        : SoftHSM v2
        token flags        : login required, rng, token initialized, PIN initialized, other flags=0x20
        hardware version   : 2.6
        firmware version   : 2.6
        serial num         : a96de792be2d07e4
        pin min/max        : 4/255
      Slot 1 (0x1): SoftHSM slot ID 0x1
        token state:   uninitialized
    # generate and store a new key pair
    $ p11tool --keypairgen --key-type RSA:2048 --label "My Key" --token-label "Test Token" --login --pin 1234
      # output:
      Key pair generated:
      Private Key Object; RSA
        label:      My Key
        ID:         01
        Usage:      decrypt, sign, unwrap
      Public Key Object; RSA 2048 bits
        label:      My Key
        ID:         01
        Usage:      encrypt, verify, wrap
    # show all public objects in token "Test Token"
    $ p11tool --list-objects --token-label "Test Token"
      # output:
      Public Key Object; RSA 2048 bits
        label:      My Key
        ID:         01
        Usage:      encrypt, verify, wrap
    # show all objects in token "Test Token"
    $ p11tool --list-objects --token-label "Test Token" --login --pin 1234
      # output:
      Private Key Object; RSA
        label:      My Key
        ID:         01
        Usage:      decrypt, sign, unwrap
      Public Key Object; RSA 2048 bits
        label:      My Key
        ID:         01
        Usage:      encrypt, verify, wrap
    # sign some data with the new key
    # 1. create a file to sign
    $ echo "Hello World!" > message.txt
    # 2. list available algorithms to sign data
    $ p11tool --list-mechanisms | grep -P "RSA.*sign"
      # output:
      Using slot 0 with a present token (0x5bb016b2)
        MD5-RSA-PKCS, keySize={512,16384}, sign, verify
        RSA-PKCS, keySize={512,16384}, encrypt, decrypt, sign, verify, wrap, unwrap
        RSA-PKCS-PSS, keySize={512,16384}, sign, verify
        RSA-X-509, keySize={512,16384}, encrypt, decrypt, sign, verify
        SHA1-RSA-PKCS, keySize={512,16384}, sign, verify
        SHA256-RSA-PKCS, keySize={512,16384}, sign, verify
        SHA384-RSA-PKCS, keySize={512,16384}, sign, verify
        SHA512-RSA-PKCS, keySize={512,16384}, sign, verify
    # 3. sign the data with the newly created key
    $ p11tool --sign --id 1 --mechanism SHA256-RSA-PKCS \
         --token-label "Test Token" --pin 1234 \
         --input-file message.txt \
         --output-file message.txt.sig
      # output:
      Using signature algorithm SHA256-RSA-PKCS
    # verify the message signature
    # 1. extract the public key
    $ p11tool --read-object --type pubkey --label "My Key" --token-label "Test Token" >
    # 2. convert the public key to PEM format
    $ openssl rsa -inform DER -outform PEM -in -pubin >
      # output:
      writing RSA key
    # 3. verify the signature
    $ openssl dgst -keyform PEM -verify -sha256 -signature message.txt.sig message.txt
      # output:
      Verified OK



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