This branch allow you to create your AWS's infrastructure with Maestro_Infra using Terraform.
- More speed in services creation.
- More simple to customization.
- More community support and updates.
AWS services that you can create:
- VPC (VPCs, Subnets, Internet and Nat Gateways, Peering Connections, Route Tables and Security Groups)
- IAM (Roles and Policies)
- Codebuild
- SecretsManager
- Elasticsearch (Opensearch)
- Redis (Elasticache)
- Eventbridge (Rules and Event Targets)
This is an example for your environment variables file:
owner = "owner-name"
region = "us-east-1"
environment = "staging"
vpc_cidr_block = ""
maestro_image = ""
peering = {
accepter_vpc_id = "vpc-id"
private_route_tables_id = []
public_route_tables_id = []
projects = [
project_name = "project1"
code_provider = "GITHUB"
task_processes = "web{1024;2048}:1-2"
repository_url = ""
repository_branch = "production"
databases = []
redis = []
elasticsearch = []
name = "project2"
code_provider = "GITHUB"
task_processes = "web{512;1024}:1-2"
repository_url = ""
repository_branch = "staging"
databases = []
redis = []
elasticsearch = []
With a backend configuration file you can pass a path for .tfsate and share with your team. In this project we utilize the S3 as destination for .tfstate file and is necessary a backend config file for set the bucket parameters.
bucket = "bucket-name"
key = "backend/file/path"
region = "region"
encrypt = "value"
profile = "profile"
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_key_id
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key
Initialize the terraform project, creating the and files.
$ terraform init -var-file=path/project-vars.tfvars
Plan and show all changes in your project.
$ terraform plan -var-file=path/project-vars.tfvars -out path/project.bin
Apply all the changes made to your project on AWS.
$ terraform apply path/project.bin
If you want to destroy you project, this command will remove all the changes that you made.
$ terraform destroy -var-file=path/project-vars.tfvars