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Torso Meeting 4 4 2016

Kent Willis edited this page Apr 5, 2016 · 4 revisions



Loading events for empty array

We decided that it should maintain its current behavior of staying consistent (firing load events) even if there are no ids being tracked. From the comment in the issue: "For now I think we shouldn't treat empty arrays as special. The act of marking the array as empty should trigger the same events as passing an array of values in case render is attached to the load-begin and load-complete events. If you are empting the array likely you want it to still re-render to render the empty content."


Let's make a standard and easy way to release. We're choosing release-it ( that deploys to npm and to github for you.

Child Views

We had a discussion about #238 and what it would mean to simplify the attachTrackedViews logic. End result, we'd like to see a small demo/conversion comparison to understand what we be improving/saving.