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Usage NetCeiver Tools

Peter Bieringer edited this page Jun 21, 2023 · 4 revisions

NetCeiver information on client


  • known and IPv6-enabled interface where the NetCeiver is connected to on Layer 2 (link-local)

List all NetCeivers on link


  • running vdr with mcli-Plugin and access to socket /var/tmp/mcli.sock
/usr/bin/netcvupdate -l
fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****    AVR0038/FPGAC94

NetCeiver information via IPv6 multicast

  • display information received by IPv6 multicast from NetCeiver
/usr/bin/netcvlogview enp4s0 
mode:1 port:23000 mcg:1 [ ff18:5100:: ]
slot 0/1 | count   6 | freq  586006739 | status 1f |    ff18:3001:0:fff:86c4:8005:4ac0:8000 | signal eded | snr e9e9 | ber 000001e7 | unc 0000066c | LOCK
slot 2/1 | count  12 | freq  314006739 | status 1f |    ff18:3001:0:fff:86c4:8005:4cc0:4000 | signal f9f9 | snr f8f8 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | LOCK
slot 4/1 | count   1 | freq  618000000 | status 00 |    ff18:3001:0:fff:86c4:8005:86c0:8000 | signal f6f6 | snr cfcf | ber 000fffff | unc 0000040f | 
MLD MCGs: 26 Subscribers: 26
00.CAM status: MISSING 
01.CAM status: MISSING 

(will continue until CTRL-BREAK)

NetCeiver information via mcli-Plugin

retrieve NetCeiver information via mcli-Plugin (socket: /var/tmp/mcli.sock)

/usr/bin/netcvdiag -a
Count: 1
NetCeiver 0:
  UUID <fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****>, ALIVE, tuners 3
  OS <2.4.32-uc0>, App <0.99.34>, FW <AVR0038/FPGAC94>, HW <0055>
  Serial <33d900000*****>, Vendor <BayCom GmbH>, state 0
  SystemUptime 11052, ProcessUptime 11040
  TunerTimeout 3600
  CI-Slot 0: State <MISSING>, Mode <CA_SINGLE>, CAPMT-Flag: 0, SIDs 0/1, CAM <>
  CI-Slot 1: State <MISSING>, Mode <CA_MULTI_TRANSPONDER>, CAPMT-Flag: 0, SIDs 0/4, CAM <>
  Tuner 0: <Philips TDA10023 DVB-C>,  SatList: <>, Preference 0
  Tuner 1: <Philips TDA10023 DVB-C>,  SatList: <>, Preference 0
  Tuner 2: <Philips TDA10023 DVB-C>,  SatList: <>, Preference 0

UUID <fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****>:
      slot 0.0, type DVB-C, used:   6
      LOCK   , frequency 458000000Hz (458006.7kHz)
      strength f3f3, snr f7f7, ber 0000, unc 0000
      NIMCurrent 0
      RotorStatus 0, RotorDiff 0.0
UUID <fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****>:
      slot 1.0, type DVB-C, used:  12
      LOCK   , frequency 314000000Hz (314006.7kHz)
      strength f9f9, snr f8f8, ber 0000, unc 0000
      NIMCurrent 0
      RotorStatus 0, RotorDiff 0.0
UUID <fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****>:
      slot 2.0, type DVB-C, used:   6
      LOCK   , frequency 450000000Hz (450006.7kHz)
      strength f3f3, snr f7f7, ber 0000, unc 0000
      NIMCurrent 0
      RotorStatus 0, RotorDiff 0.0

NetCeiver config management / control


  • IPv6 link-local address of NetCeiver
  • known interface on which link the NetCeiver is connected to (in case of multible interfaces on client)
  • expects installed FTP client ftp is renamed or hard- or softlinked tnftp


  • lftp client installed, selected by option -n in example below

NetCeiver config download

using 'tnftp'

/usr/bin/netcvupdate -d eth1 -i fe80::208:54ff:fe**:**** -D
INFO  : found in PATH FTP client 'tnftp'
UUID fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****: Downloading netceiver.conf ... 
Download done

using 'lftp'

/usr/bin/netcvupdate -n -d eth1 -i fe80::208:54ff:fe**:**** -D
INFO  : enable options for FTP client 'lftp'
UUID fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****: Downloading netceiver.conf ... 
Download done

NetCeiver config upload

using 'tnftp'

/usr/bin/netcvupdate -d eth1 -i fe80::208:54ff:fe**:**** -U netceiver.conf
INFO  : found in PATH FTP client 'tnftp'
UUID fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****: Uploading netceiver.conf ... 
Upload done

using 'lftp'

/usr/bin/netcvupdate -n -d eth1 -i fe80::208:54ff:fe**:**** -U netceiver.conf
INFO  : enable options for FTP client 'lftp'
UUID fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****: Uploading netceiver.conf ... 
Upload done

NetCeiver reboot


/usr/bin/netcvupdate -d eth1 -i fe80::208:54ff:fe**:**** -R
INFO  : found in PATH FTP client 'tnftp'
UUID fe80::208:54ff:fe**:****: Issue Reboot... Reboot done