Package designed to select an item from a list, with the option to filter and even search the items online.
Non Null Safety Version: 1.2.3 or less
Null Safety Version: 2.0.0 or more
select_dialog: <last version>
import 'package:select_dialog/select_dialog.dart';
String ex1 = "No value selected";
label: "Simple Example",
selectedValue: ex1,
items: List.generate(50, (index) => "Item $index"),
onChange: (String selected) {
setState(() {
ex1 = selected;
List<String> ex5 = [];
label: "Multiple Items Example",
multipleSelectedValues: ex5,
items: List.generate(50, (index) => "Item $index"),
onMultipleItemsChange: (List<String> selected) {
setState(() {
ex5 = selected;
To use a template as an item type, you need to implement toString, equals and hashcode, as shown below:
class UserModel {
final String id;
final DateTime createdAt;
final String name;
final String avatar;
UserModel({, this.createdAt,, this.avatar});
String toString() => name;
operator ==(o) => o is UserModel && == id;
int get hashCode => id.hashCode^name.hashCode^createdAt.hashCode;
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