Last updated: Sept 30th, 2015
GNU C/C++; Perl; BLAST; Bowtie 2
git clone
cd MetaCompassv1.0
RUN METACOMPASS: -- I have a set of metagenomic reads, and want to perform comparative assembly.
./ -f/-q <input FASTA/FASTQ reads> [options]
-- I know the reference genomes, or I want to perform comparative assembly for a particular genome.
./ -f/-q [input FASTA/FASTQ reads] -r [reference genomes in FASTA] [options]
-- You can try MetaCompass on two test data sets. For a small data set assuming reference genomes are known:
./ -f test/small.reads.fna -r test/small.refgeno.fna -o test1_out
For a big data set assuming reference genomes are known:
./ -f test/big.reads.fna -r test/big.refgeno.fna -o test2_out
For a big data set assuming reference genomes are NOT known:
./ -f test/big.reads.fna -o test3_out
Assembled contigs:
contigs_[iteration #].fasta
Taxonomic profiling output from MetaPhyler:
mc.classification; mc.[species|genus|family|order|class|phylum].taxprof
Selected Reference genomes: