Simple Go package for working with cryptographically-secure password hashes.
View the docs here.
Generate a hash from a password:
import ""
hash := password.Hash("superdupersecret")
Check user input against the hash:
if password.Check("password", hash) {
fmt.Println("Correct! (ps. you need a better password)")
} else {
fmt.Println("Wrong password")
go-password supports the md5, sha256, sha1 and bcrypt hashing algorithms, and by default uses bcrypt with a cost of 8. To customize the algorithm used, first create a new Manager and then change it's Use field:
manager := password.New()
manager.Use = "sha256"
hash := manager.Hash("password")
// hash => "sha256$blahblahblah"
If you want to change the cost of the bcrypt algorithm on a per-Manager basis, register a new Bcrypt instance with the manager:
customCost := 10
manager.Register("bcrypt", password.Bcrypt{customCost})
If you want to use a custom hash algorithm with go-password, you need to implement the Algorithm interface:
type Algorithm interface {
Hash(password []byte) []byte
Check(password, hashed []byte) bool
Then register your algorithm:
var algorithm password.Algorithm = new(MyAlgorithm)
password.Register("myhash", algorithm)
Alternatively, if you just want to register a hash that already provides a hash.Hash implementation (from the standard hash package), you may use the RegisterHash function. This also adds random salts to your hashes:
var algorithm hash.Hash = myhashpackage.New()
password.RegisterHash("myhash", algorithm)
The hash strings generated by go-password are made up of the hash algorithm's name as it was registered (eg. "bcrypt" or "sha256"), followed by a dollar sign ($), followed by an encoded form of the algorithm-specific binary data. By default the data is encoded with base64, but this can be changed by setting the Manager.Codec field.