The VATNZ EuroScope Sector Files project is an open source collaborative project allowing members of the VATNZ community to work together to create high-quality Sector Files to use in EuroScope.
A new sector file will be released in line with each AIRAC cycle (as long as significant changes warrant such as release).
A major dataset update will be released in line with each AIRAC cycle, as long as there are significant enough changes to the NZAIP that warrants such a release. A major dataset release will follow the traditional 21xx format, with the first release of an AIRAC cycle being Revision A (ie 2101 Rev A)
A minor dataset update will be released between each AIRAC cycle, allowing for emergency fixes that cannot be held back until a major dataset release. This may include airspace updates, or minor configuration changes. Each subsequent dataset release will incrementally increase the revision letter.
A changelog is not actively maintained for these Sector Files, however release notes are included in each release outlining the changes.
A contribution guide has been written for VATNZ projects and is available in the vatSys repository. All members who wish to make contributions to the Dataset are to adhere to these guidelines, otherwise their changes may be revoked.