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How to Add In Page Editing Using Gem best_in_place

smapira edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 12 revisions

Best in place is a jQuery based Ajax plug in that can help us to add in place editing to our application that takes profit of Restful server-side controllers to allow users to edit stuff with no need of forms. We can easly integrate inline editing in active_admin with best_in_place.

Integration instructions

  1. Install Best in Place as a gem via your Gemfile:

    gem 'best_in_place', github: 'bernat/best_in_place'

  2. Require best in place in and initialise it

    # app/assets/javascripts/
    #= require best_in_place
    #= require jquery.purr
    #= require best_in_place.purr
    $(document).ready ->
  3. Now you can add inline editing to our active admin pages

    To make text field editable in active admin show page

    # app/admin/project.rb
    row :name do |project|
      best_in_place project, :name, as: :input, url: [:admin,project]

    To make select field editable

    # app/admin/project.rb
    row :status do |project|
      best_in_place project, :status, as: :select, url: [:admin,project],:collection =>{|status| [status,status]}

    To make checkbox field editable

    # app/admin/project.rb
    row :status do |project|
      best_in_place project, :status, as: :checkbox, url: [:admin, project], collection: { false: 'False', true: 'True' }
    # or if you want use status_tag
    collection: { false: raw("<span class='status_tag in_progress'>False</span>"), true: raw("<span class='status_tag active ok'>True</span>") }

    Textarea can be made editable using following code

    # app/admin/project.rb
    row :status_description  do |project|
      best_in_place project, :status_description, as: :textarea, url: [:admin,project]

    For Editable Datepicker with formated output use display_with

    # app/admin/project.rb
    row "Planned Start Date" do |project|
      best_in_place project, :planned_start_date , as: :date , url: [:admin,project],  :display_with => lambda { |v| v.try(:strftime,'%b %d, %Y') }
  4. Using the display_with option.

    If you use the display_with option, you will need to modify your Controllers accordingly using the respond_with_bip responder, otherwise saved changes will not be decorated until the page is completely refreshed again. Luckily, this is really easy to address inside a controller block.

    controller do
      def update
        update! do |success, failure|
          success.json { respond_with_bip(resource) }

    Example: Decorating the Contact Index's Phone Number attribute with number_to_phone

    index do
      column do |contact|
        best_in_place contact, 
          url: [:admin, contact], 
          display_with: :number_to_phone
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