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Team: Duvač, Vančo

Before you begin:

  • make sure that you have node installed
  • make sure you have docker installed

Run Local development environment:

  1. Pull the repository using git pull <repository_url>
  2. Enter the projects directory cd fiit-mtaa-2024-server
  3. Run npm install
  4. Make a copy of file and rename it to .env
  5. Run docker compose up db (this will run a postgres DB in docker)
  6. Make sure the DB is running using command docker ps (you should see container running with a name 'mtaa-2024-server-db-1')
  7. Run npx prisma migrate reset (this will reset the DB, create all the tables, generate dummy data)
  8. Run npx prisma generate (generates typescript types for DB model)
  9. If you want to see the data in a DB, run npx prisma studio. This will open a window in browser where you can see all the tables and data inside the db.