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Valtech - AEM MSM Tools

This is a standalone AEM module which builds on top of the standard AEM MSM functionality and enhances it with convenient tools for day-to-day work the multi-site manager. It consists of the following tools:

Blueprint Overview

It has two main functions:

  • Show an overview of all the blueprints on the whole platform
  • Allow jumping to the Blueprint Manager (see next section) for the chosen blueprint

It can be reached over the AEM Menu Tools -> Valtech - MSM Tools -> Blueprint Overview or via the direct path: /apps/valtech-msm-tools/pages/blueprintoverview.html

By adding the blueprint configuration path as a suffix to the URL/path (e.g. /apps/valtech-msm-tools/pages/blueprintoverview.html/apps/msm/my-site), one can limit which blueprints will be listed.

Blueprint Overview Screen

Blueprint Manager

Gives a general overview of all the live copies for the given blueprint.

It has the following functions:

  • List all the live copies of a given blueprint (single-level or nested as well - depends on the configuration)
  • Display the status of each live copy (Up-to-date or Outdated, also giving the number of pages which are outdated)
  • Display the last rollout date performed on each live copy
  • Allow sending a notification e-mail to the content owners of each live copy with a link to the Live Copy Manager (see section bellow)
  • Allow jumping to the Live Copy Manager (see next section) for the chosen live copy

It can be reached over the Blueprint Overview page or via direct links with the parameterized path: /apps/valtech-msm-tools/pages/blueprintmanager.html/path/to/blueprint/root

Blueprint Manager Screen

The notification action can be enabled over the configuration (see configuration section). The sender is the first configured e-mail in the blueprint content owners, and the receivers are all configured content owner e-mails of the chosen live copies. The content owners must be configured on the blueprint or live copy root page properties:

Blueprint Manager Notification Screen

Live Copy Manager

Gives a detailed overview of all the pages in a given live copy site.

It has the following functions:

  • List all the pages of a live copy (depending on the configuration - can leave out up-to-date pages which normally don't require editor attention)
  • For each live copy, show it's state, rollout date and publication status
  • Depending on the state and number of selected pages, allow various actions to be performed

It can be reached over the Blueprint Manager page or via direct links with the parameterized path: /apps/valtech-msm-tools/pages/livecopymanager.html/path/to/live-copy/root

Live Copy Manager Screen


  • Up to date - page is up-to-date
  • Up to date, not reviewed - page is up-to-date, but not yet reviewed (also see configuration)
  • Outdated - page is outdated
  • Not Ready - blueprint page is modified but not published yet (also see configuration)
  • New - new page added to blueprint but does not exist in live copy yet
  • Moved - page was moved in the blueprint
  • Moved / Outdated - page was moved and updated in the blueprint
  • Suspended - page updates have been suspended
  • Local Only - page created and exists only in live copy
  • Unknown - status unknown
  • Conflicting - new page under the same path added to blueprint and live copy independently
  • Deleted - page deleted in blueprint


Live Copy Manager Screen

  • Update - synchronizes the page with the blueprint and transitions the state into either Up to date or Up to date, not reviewed (depends on configuration). Shown only for pages in state New, Deleted, Outdated, Moved, Moved / Outdated and Conflicting.
  • Mark as Reviewed - Shown only for pages in the state Up to date, not reviewed. Clicking it will transition the page into Up to date
  • Show changes - goes to the AEM page version comparison tool, showing changes on the according blueprint page since the last time the live copy was rolled out. Mind that it does not compare the live copy page with the blueprint page, as that would show localized content as changes as well, which normally should not be relevant. Shown only when according page versions are still present (were not purged) and the blueprint and live copy page have a connection (e.g. won't be shown for Conflicting, Local Only, etc.)
  • Edit - Jumps to the edit mode of the chosen page. Shown for all states except New (as the page does not exist in the live copy yet)


There are two services which can and should be configured to tailor the tool to your MSM setup:

Config Service

Service class:

Name Label Description Default Value
blueprintRootMaxDepth Blueprint Root Max Depth How deep the page tree traversal will go to look for blueprint sites 3
resolveNestedLiveCopies Resolve Nested Live Copies If the blueprint manager should list nested live copies (live copies of live copies) true
regionPageDepth Region / Country page depth At which level the country/region page is in the page tree structure. /content is considered depth 0 2
languagePageDepth Language page depth At which level the language page is in the page tree structure. /content is considered depth 0 3
allowEmailNotificationsAction Allow e-mail notification action Show a notification action in the blueprint manager, which allows to send e-mails to live copy site owners false
allowMarkAsDoneAction Allow review action Once a page is updated from the blueprint, an additional action becomes available to confirm that it was also reviewed and any potential manual customization done. false
allowVersionCompareAction Allow version comparison action Show an action, which would allow the editor to see which changes were done on the blueprint page since the last rollout true
blueprintPagesMustBePublished Blueprint page must be published Treat live copy pages as up-to-date, if the blueprint page is not published, or it was not published since the last modification. false
showAllPagesInLiveCopyManager Show all pages in live copy manager Disabling this option allows to show only those live copy page, which need attention by the editors true
pageMoveRolloutActionUsed Page Move Rollout Action Used On moved blueprint page rollout, live copy pages are moved as well. This depends on your configured live copy rollout actions. true

Notification Service

Service class:

Name Label Description Default Value
subject Default E-mail Subject Will be used if the editor did not provide a custom notification e-mail subject.
emailContent Default E-mail Content Will be used if the editor did not provide a custom notification e-mail subject.
siteOwnerEmailPageProperty Site Owner E-mail Page Property Name Page property where site owner e-mails are stored (may be of type String[]), to which the notification e-mails will be sent. siteOwnerEmail


The project/code uses java 11 and is compatible only with AEMaaCS.


The main parts of the template are:

  • core: Java bundle containing all core functionality like OSGi services, models or servlets
  • ui.apps: contains the /apps part of the project, ie JS&CSS clientlibs, components, and templates
  • all: a single content package that embeds all of the compiled modules (bundles and content packages)

How to build

To build all the modules run in the project root directory the following command with Maven 3:

mvn clean install

To build all the modules and deploy the all package to a local instance of AEM, run in the project root directory the following command:

mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage

Or to deploy it to a publish instance, run

mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackagePublish

Or alternatively

mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Daem.port=4503

Or to deploy only the bundle to the author, run

mvn clean install -PautoInstallBundle

Or to deploy only a single content package, run in the sub-module directory (i.e ui.apps)

mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage

Testing - Unit tests

This show-cases classic unit testing of the code contained in the bundle. To test, execute:

mvn clean test

Embedding Into Existing Projects

You can embed this tool into other projects by creating a local maven repo in your project by adding the following repo definition in your main POM:


Afterwards, download the desired release package and execute the following command:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile={downloaded package file} -DgroupId=com.valtech.aem -DartifactId=msm-tools.all -Dversion={version} -Dpackaging=zip -DlocalRepositoryPath=./nonadobedependencies

The last step is to include the package as a dependency in your all package, by using the dependency definition:


And including into the embeddeds definition of your filevault-package-maven-plugin:

  <target>{location of your other vendor packages under /apps}</target>


The AEM MSM Tools module is licensed under the MIT LICENSE.