in the "load graph" function - i changed the "'url = node[0]' and 'target = node[1]'" to url, target = node[0], node[1] to save time on unloading them separately
I also changed the 'graphL = {}' to 'graphL = defaultdict(list)' which makes it more efficient it also means I don't have to check if the url already exists. this means I can have one line code instead of three " if url in graphL: graphL[url].append(target) else: #otherwise created a new dic value graphL[url] = [target]
" and now it is "graphL[url].append(target)"
in the "stochastic_page_rank" - i changed the 'hit_count = {node: 0 for node in graphP}' into 'hit_count = defaultdict(int)' which means it only has to store 'ints' which makes it more efficient
in the "distribution_page_rank" - i changed the "node_prob = {node: 1/len(graphD) for node in graphD}" into "node_prob = defaultdict(float, {node: 1/len(graphD) for node in graphD})" which means it doesn't have to check what value it is so it is more efficient i also changed "next_prob = {node: 0 for node in graphD}" into "next_prob = defaultdict(float)" which makes it more efficient