Java SpringBoot based application that manages invoices through REST API
You can create, view and delete invoices of products of your choice and store them in a database.
Additionally, it's possible to print them out to PDF.
/invoices GET - view all invoices
/invoice POST - create an invoice & store to dbs
/invoice/{id} GET - specific invoice by Id
/invoice/{id} DELETE - specific invoice
/invoice/{id}/print GET - print to pdf specific invoice
/invoice/printall GET - print to pdf all invoices
{ "name": "Vali", "receiverName": "Dani", "itemList": [ { "itemName": "cars", "itemInfo": { "quantity": 3, "price": 10 } }, { "itemName": "bananas", "itemInfo": { "quantity": 2, "price": 50 } } ], "priceWithVAT": 300, "priceWithoutVAT": 250 }
- SpringBoot
- h2 database
- librePDF