Realistic http load tests with synthetic timeseries simulations based on vegeta
go build .
./majin attack --help
Generate a workload simulation and attack according to the simulation parameters given
majin attack [flags]
--base-load float The base queries per second to use for attack (default 1)
--body string The body to send in request
--burst-duration float how long bursts should be (default 30)
--burst-frequency float how frequent bursts should be
--burst-index float burst multiplier
--duration float Duration to run the attack for. 0 means run the attack forever
--header headers The HTTP headers to use
-h, --help help for attack
--method string The http method to use (default "GET")
--noise float how much noise is in the workload
--period float how long each period is - as int of seconds (default 60)
--random Generate random workloads? Use the other parameters as max random values.
--target string The target url to attack (default "http://localhost:8080")
--trend float The degree of trend to attack with