A win32 program to broadcast WM_SETTINGCHANGE to all the windows, written in D language.
Broadcasts a signal to update All Environment variables On Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 systems.
Mostly used update changes to Path environment variable in Command Prompt.
After broadcast of this signal, reopen applications, for changes to be visible.Note:
Windows Command Prompt is programmed to take the new changes on the Path Variable on the launch of new instance.
The first version appeared here: https://forum.dlang.org/post/[email protected] (Also archived here)
Simple Usage:
- Download: Binary SendMessage_WM_SETTINGCHANGE.exe.
(Default:<Environment> <1000>
- Download: Archive Source Code .zip
rdmd command_line_interface.d
(Default:<Environment> <1000>
Advanced Usage:
- As Compiled
executable.exe <broadcastAddress> <unresponsiveWindowTimeout>
SendMessage_WM_SETTINGCHANGE.exe Environment 5000
SendMessage_WM_SETTINGCHANGE.exe Policy 5000
SendMessage_WM_SETTINGCHANGE.exe intl 5000
- As Script:
rdmd sourcefile.d <broadcastAddress> <unresponsiveWindowTimeout>
rdmd command_line_interface.d Environment 5000
rdmd command_line_interface.d Policy 5000
rdmd command_line_interface.d intl 5000
- As Library:
dmd sourcefile.d
import std.stdio; import SendMessage_WM_SETTINGCHANGE; void main(){ broadcastSettingChange("Environment", 5000); }
- Compilation (.exe):
rdmd compile.d
Keywords: SendMessageTimeoutA SendMessageTimeoutW SendMessageTimeout WM_SETTINGCHANGE