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UIUnitTest for Vaadin 8

This is an add-on library for Vaadin TestBench 5 for UI Unit Testing Vaadin 8 views and components. The API design is similar to UI Unit Testing for Vaadin 23 and 24.

User manual

Add dependency to the project

First you need to add dependency to the library in your project. Use test scope for the dependency. Check what is the latest actual version in the Directory.


Create unit test

Then start writting unit tests for the application of yours. Below is a sample for a simple hello world application.

package org.myapp.tests;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.vaadin.server.ServiceException;
import com.vaadin.testbench.uiunittest.TestUI;
import com.vaadin.testbench.uiunittest.UIUnitTest;
import com.vaadin.testbench.uiunittest.views.TreeGridTestView;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.TreeGrid;

 * This class contains basic tests for the UI components of the application.
public class BasicTest extends UIUnitTest {

    private MyUI ui;

     * Setup method that is executed before each test case.
     * It initializes the UI and mocks the Vaadin framework.
     * @throws ServiceException if there is an error in the service.
    public void setup() throws ServiceException {
        ui = new MyUI();

     * Cleanup method that is executed after each test case.
     * It tears down the test environment.
    public void cleanup() {

     * Test case to verify the default behavior of the UI.
     * It sets a value in a TextField, clicks a Button, and checks the result.
    public void defaultTest() {
        assertEquals("Hello John!", test($(Notification.class).last()).getCaption());

Development instructions

Important Files

  • This is the base class you should extend in Unit tests.
  • The base class implementing component queries and registering component testers.
  • com.vaadin.testbench.uiunittest.mocks: Mock / fake Vaadin environment enabling running the application or components under tests.
  • com.vaadin.testbench.uiunittest.testers: A compact set of component helpers with methods to interact with components as a user with desired side effects.
  • The base class for all the component testers.
  • assembly/: this folder includes configuration for packaging the project into a JAR so that it works well with other Vaadin projects and the Vaadin Directory. There is usually no need to modify these files, unless you need to add JAR manifest entries.

Running the test UI

Starting the test/demo server:

mvn jetty:run -Prun

This deploys demo at http://localhost:8080

Branching information

  • master the latest version of the starter, using latest stable platform version

Publishing to Vaadin Directory

You can create the zip package needed for Vaadin Directory using

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.0 # You cannot publish snapshot versions 
mvn install -Pdirectory

The package is created as target/

For more information or to upload the package, visit