Package ar_maze aimed to provide robot navigation through the maze with ar tags. In the beginning robot is given by a list of ar tags. Reaching them one by one, robot successfully completes the maze.
Package consists of:
launch file
However, for package functioning there are two default packages required:ar_track_alvar
The main logic in algorithm that is enclosed in nodes nav_tags
and nav_if_walls
is looking for and approaching the ar tags one by one to complete the maze. In case of not finding the tag, robot starts rotation and motion avoiding obstacles in order to find the (next) ar tag.
node subscribes to the topic "/ar_pose_marker" and starts receiving information about ar tags. When it receives the tag with right id, it publishes robot's velocity under the topic "/cmd_vel" to approach this tag. If there is no ar tag present or it is present, but with wrong index, robot starts rotation. When completed one full rotation and still did not find the tag, nav_tags
node set the parameter "ar_present" as False.
The tasks for nav_tags
node can be characterized as:
- identifying the ar tag with correct id for navigation while receiving messages of all found ar tags
- setting up the robot linear and angular velocity that depends from position and orientation of correct ar tag found in order to approach it
- setting up the parameter "ar_present" to describe the state of the algorithm (robot found (navigates) ar tag/robot can`t find ar tag)
node subscribes to the "/scan_to_distance" topic. Once it receives that not "ar_present", it publishes messages under the topic "/cmd_vel" in such a way: robot does one full rotation and then moving forward a bit. If there is an obstacle robot rotates while not avoid it and continue motion. This appears constantly while not receiving parameter "ar_present" as True from the nav_tags
The tasks for nav_if_walls
node are:
- checking for the "ar_present" parameter to be False
- setting up the robot angular and linear velocity to complete one full rotation and straight line motion
- completing the previous task only if nearest obstacle is far enough
- if there is an obstacle either on the left, right or center side, setting up the robot angular velocity while not avoid it
Communication between nodes proceeds via ROS parameter "ar_present" that is set up in nav_tags
Algorithm in action is shown here.
These nodes can be used also separately. nav_if_walls
node can be used for simple motion with obstacle avoidance. nav_tags
can be used for simple finding and approaching ar tags as shown here.
Launch file ar_maze.launch
- list of ar tags' ids setted up as parameter
node from thear_track_alvar
package with appropriate parametersdistance_from_depth_image
launch file from therobotont_laserscan_to_distance
node with ar tags list parameternav_if_walls
1.Build the package and source the catkin workspace:
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
2.Modify the list with ar tags for maze navigation in 8th line of ar_maze.launch
3.Launch the ar_maze.launch
roslaunch ar_maze ar_maze.launch