- https://usyless.uk/trace
- All Processing is done on device and no analytics are performed.
- Press "Choose Image" and choose an image to trace from, drop any images onto the page, or paste an image into the page using Ctrl+V
- Align the top and bottom lines for SPL and Frequency to known values, then input those in the sidebar
- The line should be traced initially, if it is not, refer below
- Press "Export Trace"
- Click "Clear Path" to make sure any auto traced line does not mess with your new trace
- Click "Select Path", then click on your line to trace
- If you find that it hasn't selected the whole line, you can click on the region it has not selected to try to select more (Adjust settings as a last resort)
- Made a mistake or cleared the trace? Use the "Undo" button
- Undone too much? Use the "Redo" button
- Use "Add Point" to add points manually to the trace
- Move the SPL and Frequency lines by using the buttons, selecting the line to trace works as normal but may require more tries
- Adjust the maximum tolerance for colours that the tracer takes into account when tracing the line
- Increase this if the tracer isn't selecting the whole line
- Decrease this if the trace is jittery
- The points per octave to export data with, applied smoothing is half of the export PPO
- Whether to use tab or space between exported frequency and spl pairs
- The minimum frequency to export to, will draw a straight line from first data point to minimum frequency
- The maximum frequency to export to, will draw a straight line from the last data point to maximum frequency
- Download and install emscripten
- Compile with build.bat, or using the commands below.
emcc imageTracer.cpp -O3 -sWASM=1 -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=cwrap -sINITIAL_HEAP=104857600 -sASSERTIONS=0 -fno-exceptions -flto -fno-rtti -sENVIRONMENT=worker -sFILESYSTEM=0
- Default heap size set to 100mb
- Set stack size with -sSTACK_SIZE=size in bytes
- Set max memory with -sMAXIMUM_MEMORY=size in bytes (2gb by default, >2gb has performance penalty afaik)
- To use c++20 features: -std=c++20
- Pass -msimd128 to auto add SIMD, seems to make no noticeable performance difference for now