xterm-svelte 0.1.0
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @battlefieldduck/xterm-svelte@0.1.0
Install via package.json:
"@battlefieldduck/xterm-svelte": "0.1.0"
About this version
xterm-svelte is a wrapper for the xterm.js library, designed to work seamlessly with SvelteKit. This library allows you to embed a fully functional terminal in your SvelteKit application.
Check it out: https://xterm-svelte.pages.dev
Full integration with SvelteKit
Xterm-Svelte is designed to work seamlessly with SvelteKit, allowing you to easily incorporate terminal functionality into your SvelteKit projects.
Xterm addons management
Xterm addons are managed within Xterm-Svelte, providing a unified and consistent interface for working with Xterm and its addons.
Continuous package updates
Xterm-Svelte is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of SvelteKit and Xterm.js. This means you can always use the latest features and improvements from these libraries in your projects.
To install Xterm-Svelte, run the following command in your project directory:
npm install @battlefieldduck/xterm-svelte
Here's a basic example of how to use xterm-svelte in your SvelteKit application:
<script lang="ts">
import { Xterm } from '@battlefieldduck/xterm-svelte';
import type { ITerminalOptions, ITerminalInitOnlyOptions, Terminal } from '@battlefieldduck/xterm-svelte';
let options: ITerminalOptions & ITerminalInitOnlyOptions = {};
async function onLoad(event: CustomEvent<{ terminal: Terminal }>) {
console.log('Child component has loaded');
const terminal = event.detail.terminal;
// FitAddon Usage
const fitAddon = new (await XtermAddon.FitAddon()).FitAddon();
terminal.write('Hello World');
function onData(event: CustomEvent<string>) {
const data = event.detail;
console.log('onData()', data);
function onKey(event: CustomEvent<{ key: string; domEvent: KeyboardEvent }>) {
const data = event.detail;
console.log('onKey()', data);
<Xterm {options} on:load={onLoad} on:data={onData} on:key={onKey} />
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues.
xterm-svelte is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for more details.