Changes in this release
We built this release on the https://github.com/uselagoon/lagoon-images/releases/tag/20.10.0 base images
API & Authentication subsystem
- fix harborSync @Schnitzel (#2283)
- Support syncing permissions for polysites from bitbucket @rocketeerbkw (#2227)
Admin & User Interfaces subsystem
- Adding in null checks @justinlevi (#2248)
- Addresses errors with HarborScanMatch capture group fallbacks @bomoko (#2280)
Logging & Reporting subsystem
- Logstash timeout increase @Schnitzel (#2282)
Build & Deploy subsystem
- Set default path to / for IngressControllerMonitor @twardnw (#2265)
- #2252 - adds label to allow Datadog Admission Controller to inject co… @twardnw (#2254)
- Adds image push to internal registry in the context of OpenShift @bomoko (#2251)
- fix yq issue where values could be parsed as arguments @Schnitzel (#2247)
- #2239 - remove un-needed dollar sign from env vars of prebackuppods @twardnw (#2240)
Base Images & Testing subsystem
- Stop Lagoon:master from building base images @tobybellwood (#2242)
- Update URL of renamed lagoon-charts repo @rocketeerbkw (#2203)
- Bump libcurl to the same version as curl - 7.69.1. @seanhamlin (#2209)
- pass in MINISHIFT_GITHUB_API_TOKEN variable @tobybellwood (#2281)
Documentation & Examples / DX subsystem
- Merging GitBook Branch! @AlannaBurke (#2219)