20.12.0 - PHP8 and testing frameworks 🎉🎉
This second monthly(ish) release of the Lagoon images contains a number of automated updates to the base image (thanks to @renovate-bot - it's awesome!), and a number of bugfixes and additions to the images.
We've also introduced a comprehensive real-world test suite to the pipeline - which builds the examples from the lagoon-examples repo, and runs their automated test suites - to give us even more confidence.
This PR also includes the first release of our PHP8-based image. It's currently missing the XDebug and NewRelic functionality, but we'll look to add that, maybe even in a patch release (ooh!). As PHP7.2 no longer has security support from PHP, we will deprecate the publishing of this version in a future release. The currently available versions will continue to be available from Docker Hub.
Changes in this release
- Add PHP8.0 images @tobybellwood (#47)
- add blackfire php probe @Schnitzel (#50)
- remove duplicate dataDir entry from 7.7 solrconfig @tobybellwood (#45)
- pin xdebug to 2.9.8 to avoid Xdebug3 b/c issues @tobybellwood (#42)
- Improve the efficiency of fix-permissions @smlx (#28)
- Add example building to Jenkinsfile @tobybellwood (#38)
- Update version helper script and update Composer/Drush/New Relic @tobybellwood and @dasrecht (#33)
- Bump healthz-php to 0.0.6 (latest). @seanhamlin (#37)
Automated upstream updates
- Update openresty/openresty Docker tag to v1.19.3.1 @renovate (#36)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v12.5 @renovate (#35)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v11.10 @renovate (#13)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.13 @renovate (#49)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.3.25 @renovate (#48)
- Update node Docker tag to v14.15 @renovate (#27)
- Update node Docker tag to v12.20 @renovate (#39)
- Update node Docker tag to v10.23 @renovate (#26)
- Update redis Docker tag to v6.0.9 @renovate (#25)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.8.6 @renovate (#5)