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Merge pull request #1212 from uselagoon/deprecate_images
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Remove deprecated image pushes to amazeeio/ namespaces and S3 buckets
  • Loading branch information
tobybellwood authored Jan 20, 2025
2 parents 5e96e10 + 978abc5 commit 4ed276c
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Showing 3 changed files with 123 additions and 245 deletions.
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions .env.defaults

This file was deleted.

261 changes: 123 additions & 138 deletions Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,169 +1,154 @@
node ('lagoon-images') {
withEnv(['', 'AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-2']) {
usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'aws-s3-lagoon', usernameVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', passwordVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
string(credentialsId: 'SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH', variable: 'SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH')
]) {
try {
env.CI_BUILD_TAG = env.BUILD_TAG.replaceAll('%2f','').replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "").toLowerCase()
env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME = env.BRANCH_NAME.replaceAll('%2f','-').replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "-").toLowerCase()
env.SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT = 'target'
// make/tests will synchronise (buffer) output by default to avoid interspersed
// lines from multiple jobs run in parallel. However this means that output for
// each make target is not written until the command completes.
// See `man -P 'less +/-O' make` for more information about this option.
// Uncomment the line below to disable output synchronisation.
// env.SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT = 'none'

stage ('env') {
sh "env"
string(credentialsId: 'SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH', variable: 'SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH')
]) {
try {
env.CI_BUILD_TAG = env.BUILD_TAG.replaceAll('%2f','').replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "").toLowerCase()
env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME = env.BRANCH_NAME.replaceAll('%2f','-').replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "-").toLowerCase()
env.SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT = 'target'
// make/tests will synchronise (buffer) output by default to avoid interspersed
// lines from multiple jobs run in parallel. However this means that output for
// each make target is not written until the command completes.
// See `man -P 'less +/-O' make` for more information about this option.
// Uncomment the line below to disable output synchronisation.
// env.SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT = 'none'

stage ('env') {
sh "env"


stage ('Checkout') {
def checkout = checkout scm
env.GIT_COMMIT = checkout["GIT_COMMIT"]
stage ('Checkout') {
def checkout = checkout scm
env.GIT_COMMIT = checkout["GIT_COMMIT"]

// in order to have the newest images from upstream (with all the security updates) we clean our local docker cache on tag deployments
// we don't do this all the time to still profit from image layer caching
// but we want this on tag deployments in order to ensure that we publish images always with the newest possible images.
if (env.TAG_NAME || env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'main') {
stage ('clean docker image cache') {
sh script: "make docker-buildx-remove", label: "removing leftover buildx"
sh script: "docker image prune -af", label: "Pruning images"
sh script: "docker buildx prune -af", label: "Pruning builder cache"
// in order to have the newest images from upstream (with all the security updates) we clean our local docker cache on tag deployments
// we don't do this all the time to still profit from image layer caching
// but we want this on tag deployments in order to ensure that we publish images always with the newest possible images.
if (env.TAG_NAME || env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'main') {
stage ('clean docker image cache') {
sh script: "make docker-buildx-remove", label: "removing leftover buildx"
sh script: "docker image prune -af", label: "Pruning images"
sh script: "docker buildx prune -af", label: "Pruning builder cache"

stage ('build images') {
sh script: "docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all", label: "setting binfmt correctly"
sh script: "make docker-buildx-configure", label: "Configuring buildx for multi-platform build"
env.SCAN_IMAGES = 'true'
sh script: "make docker_pull", label: "Ensuring fresh upstream images"
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 build", label: "Building images"
stage ('build images') {
sh script: "docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all", label: "setting binfmt correctly"
sh script: "make docker-buildx-configure", label: "Configuring buildx for multi-platform build"
env.SCAN_IMAGES = 'true'
sh script: "make docker_pull", label: "Ensuring fresh upstream images"
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 build", label: "Building images"

stage ('show built images') {
sh 'cat build.txt'
sh 'docker image ls | grep ${CI_BUILD_TAG} | sort -u'
stage ('show built images') {
sh 'cat build.txt'
sh 'docker image ls | grep ${CI_BUILD_TAG} | sort -u'

stage ('Copy examples down') {
sh script: "git clone tests"
dir ('tests') {
sh script: "git submodule sync && git submodule update --init"
sh script: "mkdir -p ./all-images && cp ../helpers/*docker-compose.yml ./all-images/ && cp ../helpers/TESTING_* ./all-images/"
sh script: "sed -i '/image: uselagoon/ s/uselagoon/${CI_BUILD_TAG}/' ./all-images/*-docker-compose.yml"
sh script: "yarn install"
sh script: "docker network inspect amazeeio-network >/dev/null || docker network create amazeeio-network"
stage ('Copy examples down') {
sh script: "git clone tests"
dir ('tests') {
sh script: "git submodule sync && git submodule update --init"
sh script: "mkdir -p ./all-images && cp ../helpers/*docker-compose.yml ./all-images/ && cp ../helpers/TESTING_* ./all-images/"
sh script: "sed -i '/image: uselagoon/ s/uselagoon/${CI_BUILD_TAG}/' ./all-images/*-docker-compose.yml"
sh script: "yarn install"
sh script: "docker network inspect amazeeio-network >/dev/null || docker network create amazeeio-network"

parallel (
'build and push images to testlagoon dockerhub': {
stage ('push branch images to testlagoon/*') {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'amazeeiojenkins-dockerhub-password', variable: 'PASSWORD')]) {
try {
if (env.SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH != 'true') {
sh script: 'docker login -u amazeeiojenkins -p $PASSWORD', label: "Docker login"
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 publish-testlagoon-baseimages BRANCH_NAME=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME}", label: "Publishing built images to testlagoon"
if (env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'main') {
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 build PUBLISH_IMAGES=true REGISTRY_ONE=testlagoon TAG_ONE=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME} REGISTRY_TWO=testlagoon TAG_TWO=latest", label: "Publishing built images to testlagoon main&latest images"
} else if (env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'arm64-images') {
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 build PUBLISH_IMAGES=true REGISTRY_ONE=testlagoon TAG_ONE=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME} REGISTRY_TWO=testlagoon TAG_TWO=multiarch", label: "Publishing built images to testlagoon arm images"
} else {
sh script: 'echo "No multi-arch images required for this build"', label: "Skipping image publishing"
parallel (
'build and push images to testlagoon dockerhub': {
stage ('push branch images to testlagoon/*') {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'amazeeiojenkins-dockerhub-password', variable: 'PASSWORD')]) {
try {
if (env.SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH != 'true') {
sh script: 'docker login -u amazeeiojenkins -p $PASSWORD', label: "Docker login"
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 publish-testlagoon-baseimages BRANCH_NAME=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME}", label: "Publishing built images to testlagoon"
if (env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'main') {
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 build PUBLISH_IMAGES=true REGISTRY_ONE=testlagoon TAG_ONE=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME} REGISTRY_TWO=testlagoon TAG_TWO=latest", label: "Publishing built images to testlagoon main&latest images"
} else if (env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'arm64-images') {
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 build PUBLISH_IMAGES=true REGISTRY_ONE=testlagoon TAG_ONE=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME} REGISTRY_TWO=testlagoon TAG_TWO=multiarch", label: "Publishing built images to testlagoon arm images"
} else {
sh script: 'echo "skipped because of SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH env variable"', label: "Skipping image publishing"
sh script: 'echo "No multi-arch images required for this build"', label: "Skipping image publishing"
} catch (e) {
echo "Something went wrong, trying to cleanup"
throw e
} else {
sh script: 'echo "skipped because of SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH env variable"', label: "Skipping image publishing"
} catch (e) {
echo "Something went wrong, trying to cleanup"
throw e
'Run all the tests on the local images': {
stage ('running test suite') {
dir ('tests') {
sh script: "docker buildx use default", label: "Ensure to use default builder"
sh script: "grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/^FROM/ s/uselagoon/${CI_BUILD_TAG}/'"
sh script: "grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/image: uselagoon/ s/uselagoon/${CI_BUILD_TAG}/'"
sh script: "find . -maxdepth 2 -name docker-compose.yml | xargs sed -i -e '/###/d'"
sh script: "TEST=./all-images/TESTING_base_images* yarn test", label: "Run base-images tests"
sh script: "TEST=./all-images/TESTING_service_images* yarn test", label: "Run service-images tests"
sh script: "yarn test:simple", label: "Run simple Drupal tests"
sh script: "yarn test:advanced", label: "Run advanced Drupal tests"
'Run all the tests on the local images': {
stage ('running test suite') {
dir ('tests') {
sh script: "docker buildx use default", label: "Ensure to use default builder"
sh script: "grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/^FROM/ s/uselagoon/${CI_BUILD_TAG}/'"
sh script: "grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/image: uselagoon/ s/uselagoon/${CI_BUILD_TAG}/'"
sh script: "find . -maxdepth 2 -name docker-compose.yml | xargs sed -i -e '/###/d'"
sh script: "TEST=./all-images/TESTING_base_images* yarn test", label: "Run base-images tests"
sh script: "TEST=./all-images/TESTING_service_images* yarn test", label: "Run service-images tests"
sh script: "yarn test:simple", label: "Run simple Drupal tests"
sh script: "yarn test:advanced", label: "Run advanced Drupal tests"

stage ('publish experimental image tags to testlagoon') {
if (env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'main' || env.CHANGE_ID && pullRequest.labels.contains("experimental")) {
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 publish-testlagoon-experimental-baseimages BRANCH_NAME=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME}", label: "Publishing experimental images to testlagoon"
} else {
sh script: 'echo "not a PR or main branch push"', label: "Skipping experimantal image publishing"
stage ('publish experimental image tags to testlagoon') {
if (env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'main' || env.CHANGE_ID && pullRequest.labels.contains("experimental")) {
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 publish-testlagoon-experimental-baseimages BRANCH_NAME=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME}", label: "Publishing experimental images to testlagoon"
} else {
sh script: 'echo "not a PR or main branch push"', label: "Skipping experimantal image publishing"

if (env.TAG_NAME && env.SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH != 'true') {
parallel (
'build and push images to uselagoon dockerhub': {
stage ('push branch images to uselagoon/*') {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'amazeeiojenkins-dockerhub-password', variable: 'PASSWORD')]) {
try {
if (env.SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH != 'true') {
sh script: 'docker login -u amazeeiojenkins -p $PASSWORD', label: "Docker login"
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 build PUBLISH_IMAGES=true REGISTRY_ONE=uselagoon TAG_ONE=${TAG_NAME} REGISTRY_TWO=uselagoon TAG_TWO=latest", label: "Publishing built images to uselagoon"
} else {
sh script: 'echo "skipped because of SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH env variable"', label: "Skipping image publishing"
} catch (e) {
echo "Something went wrong, trying to cleanup"
throw e
'push legacy images to amazeeio dockerhub': {
stage ('publish-amazeeio') {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'amazeeiojenkins-dockerhub-password', variable: 'PASSWORD')]) {
sh script: 'docker login -u amazeeiojenkins -p $PASSWORD', label: "Docker login"
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 publish-amazeeio-baseimages", label: "Publishing legacy images to amazeeio"
if (env.TAG_NAME && env.SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH != 'true') {
stage ('push branch images to uselagoon/*') {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'amazeeiojenkins-dockerhub-password', variable: 'PASSWORD')]) {
try {
if (env.SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH != 'true') {
sh script: 'docker login -u amazeeiojenkins -p $PASSWORD', label: "Docker login"
sh script: "make -O${SYNC_MAKE_OUTPUT} -j8 build PUBLISH_IMAGES=true REGISTRY_ONE=uselagoon TAG_ONE=${TAG_NAME} REGISTRY_TWO=uselagoon TAG_TWO=latest", label: "Publishing built images to uselagoon"
} else {
sh script: 'echo "skipped because of SKIP_IMAGE_PUBLISH env variable"', label: "Skipping image publishing"
} catch (e) {
echo "Something went wrong, trying to cleanup"
throw e

if (env.TAG_NAME || env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'main' || env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'testing-scans' ) {
stage ('scan built images') {
sh script: 'make scan-images', label: "perform scan routines"
sh script: 'find ./scans/*trivy* -type f | xargs tail -n +1', label: "Show Trivy vulnerability scan results"
sh script: 'find ./scans/*grype* -type f | xargs tail -n +1', label: "Show Grype vulnerability scan results"
sh script: 'find ./scans/*syft* -type f | xargs tail -n +1', label: "Show Syft SBOM results"

} catch (e) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
echo "Something went wrong, trying to cleanup"
throw e
} finally {
if (env.TAG_NAME || env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'main' || env.SAFEBRANCH_NAME == 'testing-scans' ) {
stage ('scan built images') {
sh script: 'make scan-images', label: "perform scan routines"
sh script: 'find ./scans/*trivy* -type f | xargs tail -n +1', label: "Show Trivy vulnerability scan results"
sh script: 'find ./scans/*grype* -type f | xargs tail -n +1', label: "Show Grype vulnerability scan results"
sh script: 'find ./scans/*syft* -type f | xargs tail -n +1', label: "Show Syft SBOM results"

} catch (e) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
echo "Something went wrong, trying to cleanup"
throw e
} finally {


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