Small http render sever : send a 3d (stl, ctm, obj), get a nice static render back !
- server to generate static images from a given 3d model
Note: currently you need to have an opengl capable (but it can be headless) machine to be able to generate the images : uses xvfb-run under the hood, when it is available, but can run without it
Not yet on NPM , will be soon
git clone [email protected]:usco/thumbnail-render-server.git
go into the clone folder and then
npm install
Note : default port is 2210
Also: the
npm start
command will run the server wraped by the forever tool, to ensure continued uptime
npm start -- port=5252
You can stop the server at anytime using
npm stop
if you only want to do small tests, you can launch the server without
node launch-server.js
List existing processes
node_modules/forever/bin/forever list
Stop given process (with given ID)
node_modules/forever/bin/forever stop ID
and then restart the correct one from the working directory using npm run start (see previous instructions)
###how to use as client:
- do a POST request with following parameters
- resolution : in the form WIDTHxHEIGHT (the x is important)
- camera position : [x,y,z] this the basis position (orbit camera) , and then a 'zoom to fit' algorithm is applied to try to fit as much of the object on screen as possible
- inputFile : your STL, OBJ, CTM file (3MF coming up next, GCODE in a few weeks)
IMPORTANT ! you MUST use form-data to send your data, and nothing else like x-www-form-urlencoded etc
IMPORTANT ! NO compression & NO caching for now , so it does NOT keep files around between requests, please experiment with smaller files first , even if it can handle quite big ones too,( I tried 80MB max , that does take a while), I'll try to add at least some form of uploaded file caching soon
For clarity I included a screenshot of the parameters & a result in postman very practical for testing your camera angles
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
The MIT License (MIT) (unless specified otherwise)