introduces the --enable-upjet-extensions
command-line argument to the crddiff revision
and crddiff self
commands, which will enables the CRD diff extensions for the CRDs generated by upjet. An example extension is the processing of the x-kubernetes-validations
CEL rules generated by upjet
. Please see #160 for further details. This release also fixes uptest
import test's old and new ID assertion.
What's Changed
- Fix resource import test's new and old ID assertion by @ulucinar in #151
- Update dependency golangci/golangci-lint to v1.54.2 by @renovate in #149
- Update actions/checkout action to v4 by @renovate in #150
- Add "branch_name", "version" and "regorg" parameters to the "Provider Publish Service Artifacts" reusable workflow by @ulucinar in #156
- Add the
command-line option to process CRDs generated by upjet by @ulucinar in #160 - Parameterize the Go version used in the provider reusable workflows by @ulucinar in #162
- Use ubuntu-20.04 machine type for provider-ci/lint job by @sergenyalcin in #163
- Use e2-standard-8-20.04 machine type for CI/lint job by @sergenyalcin in #164
- Use Ubuntu-Jumbo-Runner machine for provider-ci/lint job by @sergenyalcin in #165
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0