“Blueprint” is one word, spelled with a big B and a little p.
In our logos, it is spelled entirely in lowercase, to give a friendlier feel.
There are 3 possible orientations for our logo (with full-color and negative for each).
- file: /logo/banner.png
- file: logo/square.png
- file: logo/square.png
- file: /logo/square.png
Primary Blue: #0078E8
Secondary Blue: #93C9FE
Text Color: #333333
Negative: #FFFFFF
We use Poppins, a Google font.
file: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Poppins
In logos, the font is Poppins semi-bold 600.
Provide plenty of space around the Blueprint logo. Make it big, make it small, just give it the chance to breathe and not feel cluttered.