All numbers are the number of Leetcode problems
125, 344, 937, 819, 49, 5
- Array
1, 42, 15, 561, 238, 121
- Linked List
234, 21, 206, 2, 24, 328, 92
- Stack, Queue
책: 20, 739, 225, 622, 316 856
- Deque, Priority Queue
책: 23
- Hash Table
771, 347
- Graph
200, 17, 46, 77, 39, 78, 332, 207
- Shortest Path
743, 787
- Tree
104, 543, 687, 226, 617, 297, 110, 310, 1038, 938, 738, 105
- Heap
- Trie
208(, 336(Too hard)
- Sorting
148, 56, 147, 179, 242, 75, 973
- Binary Search
704, 33
- Bit Operation
136, 461, 371, 393, 191
- Sliding Window
76, 424
- Greedy Algorithm
122, 455, 406, 134
- Divide & Conquer
169, 241
- Dynamic Programming
509, 53, 70, 198
BOJ: 298
Programmers: 87
LeetCode: 91
Algospot: 9
SW Expert Academy: 11
Total: 496