Tabs should be 4 spaces, using spaces rather than tab character
Method names and variables should be lower case with underscores eg def method_name:
- Install Python
- Install MongoDB
- Add API_TOKEN environment variable (for the development variable, any string can work.)
- mongodb should be running and after cloning the repo (see below), adjust db settings in settings/base.py or settings/local.py
git clone https://github.com/unicefuganda/necoc.git
cd necoc
virtualenv .necoc --no-site-packages
source .necoc/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py runserver
Unit and integration test are run: python manage.py test
functional and end-to-end as well as js unit tests are run bla bla
Done!! you're good to go :)
Filenaming convention:
- for tests: test_[[OBJECT]]_[[ACTION]].py e.g: test_disaster_form.py, test_disaster_views.py,...