A benchmark of the following JSON-LD implementations:
- Titanium: Implements the JSON-LD 1.1 spec with a high coverage.
- Json-LD Java: Implements the JSON-LD 1.0 spec with a high coverage. Implements part of the JSON-LD 1.1 API (still low coverage).
The benchmarks use a subset of W3C compliance test suite for JSON-LD 1.1. In order to compare the 2 implementations, we need the subset of test entries which pass in both implementations. Because of the low ow coverage for Json-LD Java on Json-LD 1.1 spec this subset is sometimes small.
The default parameters are: 5 JVM warmup iterations and 10 measurement iterations:
sbt jmh:run
You can tweak the warmup iterations and the measurament iteration parameters:
sbt jmh:run -iw {warmup_iterations_number} -i {measurement_iterations_number}
The test suite can be found as a compress bundle in src/test/resources/json-ld-11.org.tgz
from the original W3C compliance test suite.
However, tests can be updated (in case W3C modifies them) using the following command (Mac OS and Linux):
bash download_suite.sh
The provided results are the ratio between the throughput obtained by Json-LD Java implementation / the one obtained by Titanium.
Number of tests | Ratio (Json-LD Java / Titanium) | |
compact | 89 | 4.21 |
expand | 83 | 3.39 |
flatten | 45 | 5.10 |
frame | 42 | 6.90 |
fromRdf | 30 | 3.21 |
toRdf | 127 | 4.53 |
Total | 416 | 4.556 |
from the benchmark results the Json-LD Java implementation is ~ 4.6 times faster in average than Titanium.
This difference in performance can be caused by the greater complexity of the different algorithms in Json-LD 1.1 due to the introduction of many new features.
In the current state (02.04.2022), the Titanium library is 2x faster than in its initial state (03.12.2020).