Code and files used for paper Arora et al. (2020) titled "Population and species diversity at mouse centromere satellites"
This manuscript utilizes publicly available sequencing data from 3 different projects:
- Sanger mouse genomes project:
- Wild mouse genomes project:
- Mus caroli and Mus pahari genome assemblies: "Repeat associated mechanisms of genome evolution and function revealed by the Mus caroli and Mus pahari genomes" DOI: 10.1101/gr.234096.117
Files used for plotting:
final.set1.k31.correctedcount.txt : contains centromere 31-mers, readcount normalized count, and GC corrected counts.
Pi_Estimation_metadata : contains Centromere Diversity Index (CDI) values for samples
The order of scripts is as follows: Extract sanger bams sequencing library information Split sanger bams by sequencing libraries Download M. caroli and M. pahari fastq reads, map them to Mus musculus reference (mm10), remove optical duplicates, and convert bam files back to fastq format before proceeding with k-mer analysis. Download wild mouse bam files into fastq format Python script to read in a fastq file and output a k-mer table, with k-mer in first column and frequency of occurence in the fastq file in the second column Convert k-mer table into fastq format for mapping to centromere consensus Use bwa to map k-mers to centromere consensus (at the top of the script is the centromere consensus fasta file). Produces output mapped k-mer sam file. process mapped k-mer sam file to make a dataframe
GC_calculation.R: calculate GC% of each k-mer in the table Subsets k-mers for those that occur only once in the reference genome and calculates their GC%
GCLoess.R: Loess regression on subsetted k-mers that only occur once in the mouse reference genome (mm10). Loess regression based on GC content.
GCcorrection.R: Correct each sample's raw k-mer counts by GC Loess regression predicted count
Consensus_script.R: Calculate nucleotide frequency at each positionon minor and major consensus sequences using k-mer frequency and it's mapping position. Maps sequencing readss to centromere consensus sequence Split mapped reads by location on consensus sequence they map to, and output a csv file compiling reads that map to each position on consensus sequence