This repository contains codes and datasets to reproduce results in the article 'Text augmentation for semantic frame induction and parsing'
Download Data: All pre-processed datasets, DTs and embedding files for non-contextualized models and Melamud's can be downloded here
This library was used to aggreagte lexical-units for each frame in the FrameNet. Which is required to create gold term sets for final evaluation datasets. \
Pre-extracted files can be seen in workdir/framenet_data directory.
a) Can be requested from the FrameNet publisher:
b) via NLTK interface:
import nltk
This will download the data into your home directory at: nltk_data/corpora/framenet_v17, rename it to 'fndata1.7' and move it to: parser_workdir/data directory
Assuming the FrameNet 1.7 data is downloaded and located under parser_workdir/data/fndata-1.7 directory. To create evaluations datasets, we first extracted all data from fulltext and lu (exemplars) subdirectories, which contains frame annotations in XML documents.
To extract and preprocess framenet data, execute:
! python -m src.extract_framenet_data --input_dir=parser_workdir/data/fndata-1.7 --output_dir=workdir/framenet_data
This will create all required files and save them into output_dir. Now move to create evaluation datasets for intrinsic evaluation
!python -m src.datasets_util create_source_datasets --input_dir='workdir/framenet_data' --output_dir='workdir/framenet_data' --data_types 'verbs,nouns,roles'
!python -m src.datasets_util create_final_datasets --input_dir='workdir/framenet_data' --output_dir='workdir/data' --data_types 'verbs,nouns,roles'
The final command will produce single word/token swv_T.pkl (verbs), swn_T.pkl(nouns) and swr_T.pkl(roles) datasets along with variations of dynamic patterns TandT etc, and their respective gold datasets. For relevant commands see: create_all_datasets.ipynb
You can also download all source and final datasets from here and here
Original DTs are very large, we have already processed them for all single-token data from our evaluations datasets (verbs lexical units, nouns lexical units, semantic-roles) using following command:
!python -m src.dt --input_dir 'workdir/framenet_data' --dt_dir 'workdir' --output_dir 'workdir/dt'
These preprocessed DTs can eb downloaded here and should be saved to wordir/dsm directory. To add more DTs, see the module src.dt:
can be dowloaded here, and should be saved to workdir/dsm directory.
word and context embeddings can be downloaded from here and sould be saved to workdir/melamud_lexsub directory.
use transformers library
!python -m src.run_predict \
--model_type='dt+workdir/dt_wiki.csv.gz' \
--dataset='workdir/data/' \
--proc_column='masked_sent' \
--result_dir='workdir/results/paper_verbs_st/dt_wiki_nolem' \
--n_top=200 \
--do_lemmatize=False \
For word2vec and GloVe embeddings, replace the prefix 'dt' with 'dsm' for model_type, for fastText use the prefix 'fastext'. And change the path to vector file after '+'. Like this: "fasttext+workdir/dsm/fasttext_cc/cc.en.300.bin"
- Execute the following command to extract relevant context for the target words:
Assuming StanfordCoreNLP server is running at port 9000. Execute the command:
! python -m src.context_extractor --input_file workdir/data/swv_T.pkl --output_file workdir/data/swv_Tp.pkl --jobs 16 --port 9000
2. Now execute the following command to predict substitutes using this context and the target word:
! python -m src.run_melamud_parallel --input_file workdir/data/swv_Tp.pkl --result_dir workdir/results/paper_verbs_st/melamud_balmult --metric balmult --jobs 36
!python -m src.run_predict \
--model_type='bert-large-cased' \
--dataset='workdir/data/' \
--proc_column='masked_sent' \
--result_dir='workdir/results/paper_verbs_st/blc-ntok1-mask-k200' \
--n_top=200 \
--mask_token=True \
For dynamic patterns, just change the dataset.
We used LexSubGen to run experiments for XLNet and any +embs variants of BERT and XLNet.
Execute the command:
!python -m src.run_experiments \
--config=workdir/experiment_configs/verb_preds_st.json \
How to define experiment configurations for these experiments: see generate_experiment_configs.ipynb
One example run for nouns lexical units is as follows:
!python -m src.run_postprocessing_predictions --n_jobs=24 \
--gold_path=./workdir/data/swn_gold_dataset.pkl \
--test_indexes_path=workdir/framenet/swn_gold_dataset_test_split.json \
--results_path=./workdir/results/paper_nouns_st \
default parser is 'pattern', other option is 'lemminflect' and 'nltk'.
dataset_type can be 'nouns', 'roles', 'verbs'
For more explanation see: postprocess-nouns.ipynb, postprocess-roles.ipynb, postprocess-verbs.ipynb
!python -m src.run_evaluate \
you can additonally pass a comma separated list of experiments to evaluate only that subset using exp_names parameter. For examples see paper_results.ipynb
Relevant scripts: upperbound.ipynb
Results: workdir/upperbound
Relevant scripts: src.create_datasets_manual_evaluation and manual_evaluation.ipynb
Manual annotations:
Final results: workdir/manual_evaluation
Source code of this parser was slighlty modified, so better to use the code provided within our repository
See run_opensesame_parser.ipynb for required data, and basic commands to run this parser
Other notebooks are as follows:
- configs_parser.ipynb explains how to generate configurations for augmentations and parser experiments
- Results tables and figures for this part are created here: results_opensesame_parser-VERBS.ipynb, results_opensesame_parser-NOUNS.ipynb
srl_parser contains code, and running example run_parser_example.ipynb of this parser
- Results tables and figures for this part are created here: results_bertsrl_parser-VERBS.ipynb
Datasets for these experiments are available in parser_workdir/data/fn1.7
The process to create these datasets is explained in notebooks as follows:
DataAugmentation.ipynb : Relevant methods to mask conll data using different configurations, predict substitutes for masked words, their postprocessing and producing final augmented conll data Here, the term mask means marking target word for predicting substitutes
DataSampling.ipynb : How to sample data for augmentations
Mask-and-Postprocess.ipynb: Explains how, rather than doing end-to-end mask-predict-postprocess-augment cycle for each substitution model, creating a master file for each type of dataset (verbs, nouns) and then doing this cycle once on this file save times, and all configurations can be extracted from this file.
configs_augment.ipynb explains how the datasets can eb generated