Local parser is very fast and accurate useragent string detection solution. Enables developers to locally install and integrate a highly-scalable product. We provide the detection of the devices (personal computer, tablet, Smart TV, Game console etc.), operating system, client SW type (browser, e-mail client etc.) and devices market name (example: Sony Xperia Tablet S, Nokia Lumia 820 etc.). It also provides information about IP addresses (Public proxies, VPN services, Tor exit nodes, Fake crawlers, Web scrapers, Datacenter name .. etc.)
- Tested with more the 50.000 unique user agents.
- Up to date data provided by https://udger.com/
- nodejs >= 8.9.0
- datafile v3 (udgerdb_v3.dat) from https://data.udger.com/
- Fast
- LRU cache
- Released under the MIT
npm install udger-nodejs
You should review the included examples in examples/
and test/
Here's a quick example:
const udgerParser = require('udger-nodejs')('./udgerdb_v3.dat');
ua:'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36',
let ret = udgerParser.parse();
// beautify json output with 4 spaces indent
console.log(JSON.stringify(ret, null, 4));
"user_agent": {
"ua_string": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36",
"ua_class": "Browser",
"ua_class_code": "browser",
"ua": "Chrome 62.0.3202.94",
"ua_version": "62.0.3202.94",
"ua_version_major": "62",
"ua_uptodate_current_version": "62",
"ua_family": "Chrome",
"ua_family_code": "chrome",
"ua_family_homepage": "http://www.google.com/chrome/",
"ua_family_vendor": "Google Inc.",
"ua_family_vendor_code": "google_inc",
"ua_family_vendor_homepage": "https://www.google.com/about/company/",
"ua_family_icon": "chrome.png",
"ua_family_icon_big": "chrome_big.png",
"ua_family_info_url": "https://udger.com/resources/ua-list/browser-detail?browser=Chrome",
"ua_engine": "WebKit/Blink",
"os": "Windows 10",
"os_code": "windows_10",
"os_homepage": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_10",
"os_icon": "windows10.png",
"os_icon_big": "windows10_big.png",
"os_info_url": "https://udger.com/resources/ua-list/os-detail?os=Windows 10",
"os_family": "Windows",
"os_family_code": "windows",
"os_family_vendor": "Microsoft Corporation.",
"os_family_vendor_code": "microsoft_corporation",
"os_family_vendor_homepage": "https://www.microsoft.com/about/",
"device_class": "Desktop",
"device_class_code": "desktop",
"device_class_icon": "desktop.png",
"device_class_icon_big": "desktop_big.png",
"device_class_info_url": "https://udger.com/resources/ua-list/device-detail?device=Desktop",
"device_marketname": "",
"device_brand": "",
"device_brand_code": "",
"device_brand_homepage": "",
"device_brand_icon": "",
"device_brand_icon_big": "",
"device_brand_info_url": "",
"crawler_last_seen": "",
"crawler_category": "",
"crawler_category_code": "",
"crawler_respect_robotstxt": ""
"ip_address": {
"ip": "2a02:598:7000:116:0:0:0:101",
"ip_ver": 6,
"ip_classification": "Crawler",
"ip_classification_code": "crawler",
"ip_hostname": "",
"ip_last_seen": "2016-02-12 04:28:56",
"ip_country": "Czech Republic",
"ip_country_code": "CZ",
"ip_city": "Prague",
"crawler_name": "SeznamBot/3.2-test1",
"crawler_ver": "3.2-test1",
"crawler_ver_major": "3",
"crawler_family": "SeznamBot",
"crawler_family_code": "seznambot",
"crawler_family_homepage": "http://napoveda.seznam.cz/en/seznambot-intro/",
"crawler_family_vendor": "Seznam.cz, a.s.",
"crawler_family_vendor_code": "seznam-cz_as",
"crawler_family_vendor_homepage": "http://onas.seznam.cz/",
"crawler_family_icon": "seznam.png",
"crawler_family_info_url": "https://udger.com/resources/ua-list/bot-detail?bot=SeznamBot#id12590",
"crawler_last_seen": "2016-08-31 15:19:38",
"crawler_category": "Search engine bot",
"crawler_category_code": "search_engine_bot",
"crawler_respect_robotstxt": "yes",
"datacenter_name": "Seznam.cz",
"datacenter_name_code": "seznam_cz",
"datacenter_homepage": "http://onas.seznam.cz/"
"from_cache": false
By default, JSON Udger format is used. The JSON Udger format is coming from the PHP Parser (compatibility)
Others JSON format are available, by passing options in udger.parse()
"ip_address": {
"ip": "",
"ip_ver": 4,
"ip_classification": "Crawler",
"ip_classification_code": "crawler",
"ip_hostname": "crawl-66-249-64-73.googlebot.com",
"ip_last_seen": "2016-10-02 09:16:57",
"ip_country": "United States",
"ip_country_code": "US",
"ip_city": "Mountain View",
"crawler_name": "Googlebot/2.1",
"crawler_ver": "2.1",
"crawler_ver_major": "2",
"crawler_family": "Googlebot",
"crawler_family_code": "googlebot",
"crawler_family_homepage": "http://www.google.com/bot.html",
"crawler_family_vendor": "Google Inc.",
"crawler_family_vendor_code": "google_inc",
"crawler_family_vendor_homepage": "https://www.google.com/about/company/",
"crawler_family_icon": "bot_googlebot.png",
"crawler_family_info_url": "https://udger.com/resources/ua-list/bot-detail?bot=Googlebot#id31",
"crawler_last_seen": "2017-01-06 17:52:46",
"crawler_category": "Search engine bot",
"crawler_category_code": "search_engine_bot",
"crawler_respect_robotstxt": "yes",
"datacenter_name": "Google sites",
"datacenter_name_code": "googgle_sites",
"datacenter_homepage": "http://sites.google.com/"
"ipAddress": {
"ip": "",
"classification": "crawler",
"lastSeen": "2016-10-02 09:16:57",
"hostname": "crawl-66-249-64-73.googlebot.com",
"geo": {
"country": {
"name": "United States",
"code": "US"
"city": "Mountain View"
"crawler": {
"name": "Googlebot/2.1",
"family": "googlebot",
"category": "search_engine_bot",
"lastSeen": "2017-01-06 17:52:46"
"datacenter": "googgle_sites"
udgerParser.parse({json:true, full:true});
"ipAddress": {
"ip": "",
"version": 4,
"classification": {
"name": "Crawler",
"code": "crawler"
"lastSeen": "2016-10-02 09:16:57",
"hostname": "crawl-66-249-64-73.googlebot.com",
"geo": {
"country": {
"name": "United States",
"code": "US"
"city": "Mountain View"
"crawler": {
"name": "Googlebot/2.1",
"version": {
"current": "2.1",
"major": "2"
"family": {
"name": "Googlebot",
"code": "googlebot",
"homepage": "http://www.google.com/bot.html",
"vendor": {
"name": "Google Inc.",
"code": "google_inc",
"homepage": "https://www.google.com/about/company/"
"icon": "bot_googlebot.png",
"infoUrl": "https://udger.com/resources/ua-list/bot-detail?bot=Googlebot#id31"
"lastSeen": "2017-01-06 17:52:46",
"category": {
"name": "Search engine bot",
"code": "search_engine_bot"
"respectRobotsTxt": "search_engine_bot"
"datacenter": {
"name": "Google sites",
"code": "googgle_sites",
"homepage": "http://sites.google.com/"
"fromCache": false
By default, cache is disable. To enable cache, just add this line BEFORE using udgerParser.set():
// by default, cache size is 4000 keys (a key can be an UA, or UA+IP)
// you can modify this limit
When a record is coming from the cache, the "from_cache" attribute in the response is "true"
// return callback with random ua_string from udger_crawler_list table
// [
// { ua_string: 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)' },
// { ua_string: 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeznamBot/3.2-test1; +http://napoveda.seznam.cz/en/seznambot-intro/)' },
// ......
// ]
udgerParser.randomUACrawlers(10, (err, results) => {});
// return callback with random regstring from udger_client_regex table
// [
// { regstring: '/^Microsoft Office\\/16.*Microsoft Outlook Mail 16/si' },
// { regstring: '/Mozilla.*Linux.*Android.*WebKit.*Version\\/([0-9\\.]+)/si' },
// ......
// ]
udgerParser.randomUAClientsRegex(10, (err, results) => {});
// return callback with random generated UA strings based in regstring (udger_client_regex)
// [
// {
// regstring: '/^Mozilla.*MSIE.*Windows Phone.*IEMobile\\/([0-9\\.]+)/si',
// randomUA: 'MozillaMSIEQSs-0Windows PhoneTD7Y9IEMobile/24304'
// },
// {
// regstring: '/mozilla.*rv:[0-9\\.]+.*servo.*firefox\\/([0-9a-z\\+\\-\\.]+).*/si',
// randomUA: 'mozillatWrv:90221.GeservoTKqzfirefox/y-l+h'
// }
// ......
// ]
udgerParser.randomUAClients(10, (err, results) => {});
// return callback with random ipv4 matching XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX from udger_ip_list (identified as "bad" IPs)
// [
// { ip: '' },
// { ip: '' }
// .....
// ]
udgerParser.randomIPv4(10, (err, results) => {});
// return callback with data from udger_client_class table
// [
// { client_classification: 'Browser', client_classification_code: 'browser' },
// { client_classification: 'Offline browser', client_classification_code: 'offline_browser' },
// .....
// ]
udgerParser.getUAClientsClassification((err, results) => {});
// return callback with data from udger_crawler_class table
// [
// { crawler_classification: 'Uncategorised', crawler_classification_code: 'uncategorised' },
// { crawler_classification: 'Search engine bot', crawler_classification_code: 'search_engine_bot' },
// .....
// ]
udgerParser.getUACrawlersClassification((err, results) => {});
// return callback with data from mixed udger_crawler_class, udger_crawler_list tables
// [
// {
// family_code: 'googlebot',
// crawler_classification_code: 'search_engine_bot'
// },
// ....
// ]
udgerParser.getUACrawlersFamilies((err, results) => {});
// return callback with data from udger_ip_class table
// [
// { ip_classification: 'Tor exit node', ip_classification_code: 'tor_exit_node' },
// { ip_classification: 'Fake crawler', ip_classification_code: 'fake_crawler' },
// .....
// ]
udgerParser.getIpsClassification((err, results) => {});
// return callback with single record from udger_db_info table
// {
// version: '20170106-01',
// information: 'Data v3 for Local parser - test data, no full database',
// lastupdate: 1483690193
// }
udgerParser.getDatabaseInfo((err, result) => {});
npm test
- for autoupdate data use Udger data updater (https://udger.com/support/documentation/?doc=62)
- The Udger.com Team ([email protected])
This module does not support v2 format