This program facilitates the application process for science oriented NSF REU programs and is developed by the IT staff of the UC San Diego Institute of Engineering in Medicine.
REU Manager is built with Ruby on Rails and is completely free to host/maintain yourself. You can see a demonstration of the site at: . You may login as the administrative user with the email [email protected] and the password DemoApp.
Below are instructions for those who wish to install and maintain the application using their own equipment.
==> be <== branch:ucsd_bioengineering 2013-03-03T21:39:32.112624Z
==> demo <== branch:nsfreu_demo 2013-01-13T08:53:33.572977Z
==> efore <== branch:efore 2014-01-21T22:01:38.289818Z
==> mstp_surf <== branch:mstp_surf 2014-02-15T07:43:47.967922Z
==> reu <== branch:reu 2013-04-02T00:22:51.465252Z
==> surf <== branch:surf 2014-02-17T00:20:47.424106Z
==> uf <== branch:uf 2013-12-12T00:12:45.121977Z
==> ust <== branch:ust 2014-01-29T23:41:58.895040Z