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Compostable Disintegration Analysis

Project Background

The Compost Research & Education Foundation (CREF) researches the disintegration of compostable foodware and packaging to find correlations between different composting methodologies and the rate of disintegration. Through the Compostable Field Testing Program, facilities submit their composting results and CREF analyzes the data to find best composting practices. Facilities submit data in varying formats, so the DSI will help CREF create a database well-suited to the kinds of statistical analysis performed on composting data. CREF will then standardize their data collection process so participating facilities adhere to best practices in both running experiments and in data collection. In the future, CREF will make the data and analysis from their partner facilities available on a public dashboard.

Project Goals

The DSI will be extending a data pipeline to format data from new experiments into a consistent format and creating visualizations showing disintegration rates for different materials and composting methodology. We will also create a process for importing new trial data that CREF's partner facilities will use in future trials, and start building the infrastructure for a public-facing dashboard of data from composting trials.


The data pipeline for this project does the following standardizes data from multiple facilities for display on a dashboard displaying decomposition rates of different compostable plastics as well as operating conditions of the associated facilities.

Note: The pipeline was set up to handle multiple disparate files with varied input formats. Future data will come in a standardized format. The pipline is left as one script for ease of iteration and refactoring later when the new data format is known.


The pipeline runs in Docker. If you use VS Code, this is set up to run in a dev container, so build the container the way you normally would. Otherwise, just build the Docker image from the Dockerfile in the root of the directory.

Data Files

Download the following files from the DSI Google Drive in the Results Data for DSI - Raw uploads and save them to data/:

These files are all read directly in scripts/

Running the Pipeline

To run the pipeline:

python scripts/

Cleaned data files will be output in data/. To update the files displayed on the dashboard, follow the instuctions in Updating the Dashboard Data


This is a Next.js project.

Running the Dashboard

To run the dashboard locally, do not use the dev container!

Install Packages

Install packages:

npm install

Set up Environment Variables for Local Deployment

The dashboard expects a .env.local file in dashboard/ with a base64-encoded Google service account JSON (with permissions to access Cloud Storage buckets). This can be found in the UChicago Organization, DSI Folder, compostable project on GCP.


Running the Server

To run the development server go into the /dashboard directory and then install the necessary packages using npm install.

Once the packages install you can run the development server using the following command:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Deplying the Dashboard

The dashboard is deployed via Vercel and is hosted on CFTP's site in an iframe.

Any update to the main branch of this repo will update the production deployment of the dashboard.

Updating the Dashboard Data

If you rerun the pipeline, you need to update data files in Google Cloud Storage.

Google Cloud Storage

The dashboard pulls data from Google Cloud Storage via an API. Upload the following files to the root of the cftp_data storage bucket in the compostable project in the DSI account:

  • all_trials_processed.csv
  • operating_conditions_avg.csv
  • operating_conditions_full.csv

Dashboard Structure

There are two dashboards. The dashboard located in page.js is the default one that is displayed on the CFTP site. There is also a proof of concept operating condition dashboard available at /operating-conditions


The dashboard loads via an API call in lib/data.js. Data is managed in the same file. Menu options are fetched in page.js when the dashboard first loads.


The dashboard consists of a Plotly dash and various filters.

The main dashboard lives in components/Dashboard.js and the controls are in components/DashboardControls.js.

The operating conditions dash is in one single component: componenents/OperatingConditionsDashboard.js


The data for this project is sensitive, so it is accessed and aggregated via an API. There are endpoints for the trial data (app/api/data/), the options for populating the filter menus (app/api/options), and for the the operating conditions dash (app/api/operating-conditions).