- The
scripts create and update the cloudformation stacks respectively. - The
files contain the cloudformation code, while the correspondingly named.json
files contain the template parameters for each stack - First:
creates the network components for the Udagram web app, including VPC, subnets, gateways, and routing - Next:
creates the dependent server components, including necessary IAM role and instance profile, Security groups, load balancers, autoscaling group, and servers - A public S3 bucket containing web files has been configured for static website hosting via the AWS console. The IAM role created in the
stack permits the private servers toGET
S3 objects. - For debugging purposes, the
files create a bastion host through which an Admin can SSH into the servers in the private subnets.
This assumes that the awscli has been installed and configured with permissions to access an AWS account.
- Run
./create.sh udagraminfra udagram-infra.yaml udagram-infra-params.json
to create a stack namedudagraminfra
holding the underlying network components. - Run
./create.sh udagramservers udagram-servers.yaml udagram-servers-params.json
to creata a stack namedudagramservers
holding the server components. - Optionally, run
./create.sh bastionhost bastionhost.yaml bastionhost-params.json
to create a stack namedbastionhost
holding the bastion host server for debugging purposes only. It should be destroyed afterwards.
- Accessing the private servers through the bastion host would require updating the
resource inudagram-servers.yaml
to allow ingress on port 22 (SSH). In that case, add the following code underSecurityGroupIngress:
:- IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 22 ToPort: 22 CidrIp:
- Save the changes and update the
stack with:./update.sh udagramservers udagram-servers.yaml udagram-servers-params.json
- Other stacks can be updated similarly:
./update.sh ...
- After debugging, remove this code from
for security purposes.
Stacks must be destroyed in reverse order. Wait for the stack deletion to be complete before deleting the underlying stack. Note that stack resources with dependencies cannot be deleted.
- Run
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name bastionhost
- Run
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name udagramservers
- Run
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name udagraminfra