This tool can be used to reduce the legwork and potential for error involved in creating a ready to run deployment of the Timetables webapp.
It's quite simple. It basically performs these steps:
- Fetches the Timetables code from a git repo at a tagged revision
- Overlays the deployment specific config file over the default one
- Overlays the deployment data files which are not kept in the src repo
- Sets the correct file permissions for the web server to read/write the things it needs
The path to the directory containing the deployment is returned upon success.
$ sudo --www-user www --www-group www --config timetables/config/config.txt --tag 2012-01-05T1038 --data tmp/data/ --source https://[email protected]/h4l/timetables.git /tmp/
You can run $ -h
for full usage/help:
$ -h
usage: [-h] -s PATH -t TAG -c PATH -d PATH [-n NAME] -u
A tool to automate deployment of the the Mercury project Timetables web app.
The code is obtained from a specific tag in a git repository, then external
data and configurations are overlayed. File permissions are set appropriately
for the web server. The aim is to minimise the potential for human errror when
assembling a Timetables deployment, allowing greater confidence that a given
deployment can be repeated.
positional arguments:
DESTINATION The directory to deploy into. A single subdirectory
will be created containing the deployed files.
(default: current directory)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s PATH, --source-repo PATH
The path to the git repo to deploy from.
-t TAG, --tag TAG The name of a tag in the source git repository to
deploy from.
-c PATH, --config PATH
The configuration file to use for this deployment.
This will replace
-d PATH, --data PATH A data directory to use in the deployment.
-n NAME, --name NAME The name of the deployment. This will be used as the
prefix to the name of the deployment directory.
-u NAME, --www-user NAME
The user name the web server runs as.
-g NAME, --www-group NAME
The group name the web server runs as.