Do not use this repo anymore. The project was merged into the web client mono-repo
yarn build
cd <your_path>/grape-browser
yarn link
cd <your_path>/grape-web-client
yarn link grape-browser
yarn run start:dev:all # node_modules are cached! restart this process if it was already running
cd <your_path>/grape-browser
yarn run build:watch
- service - an external service e.g. github, google drive
- facet - is a results view which can include one (e.g. github) or many services (e.g. "all")
- section - representation of results for one service (headline, objects)
- object/result - one result object from a service
- filter objects - quick filter selection objects displayed in the "queries" section
- sidebar can contain info or detail view
(c) UberGrape GmbH