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This project is just a simple default compass project built to test the ability to override sass libraries from already installed gems.

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This project is just a simple default compass project built to test the ability to override sass libraries from already installed gems, or from an additionaly added import path using the add_import_path function.


My theory was correct, any partial file located in the local directory will overide any sass files which would otherwise be imported from an installed gem.

Important Note:

When using the add_import_path function it is important to understand that this does not work like the configuration variables. This is not a variable you are setting, you're calling a function, not setting a variable. see config.rb

(annotated codeblock)

        http_path = "/"
        css_dir = "css"
        sass_dir = "scss"
        images_dir = "img"
        javascripts_dir = "js"
Look:   add_import_path "/Users/jeremy/Sites/uberBuilderCommon"
Note:                 ^^^ - see the different?  No '=' sign

(annotated codeblock)

See Compass Reference


Steps to create the test:

compass create --sass-dir "scss" --css-dir "css" --javascripts-dir "js" --images-dir "img"
cd scss
touch _compass.scss
vim _compass.scss

Paste this into _compass.scss:

body {
  background: red;

To test additional import paths:

First Steps:

cd ~/Sites/
mkdir uberBuilderCommon
vim _uberTest.scss

Contents of _uberTest.scss:

.uberBuilderClass {
  color: red;

Add an additional scss partial to test to make sure it won't get imported due to a local partial stored in the local project ./scss path:

vim _overRideMe.scss

Content of _overRideMe.scss (in the new additional import path which we've added to the config.rb):

.thisClassShouldNotMakeItToTheCSSFile {
  color: orange;

Went back to project scss directory and added _overRideMe.scss

cd ~/Sites/testCompassGemImportOverride
vim _overRideMe.scss

Content of additional _overRideMe.scss in the local project ./scss path:

.thisUberTestIsBeingLocallyOverRidden {
  color: blue;

Contents of screen.scss:

/* Welcome to Compass.
 * In this file you should write your main styles. (or centralize your imports)
 * Import this file using the following HTML or equivalent:
 * <link href="/stylesheets/screen.css" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> */

@import "compass";
@import "uberTest";
@import "overRideMe";

After Compass Compile:

Contents of screen.css

/* Welcome to Compass.
 * In this file you should write your main styles. (or centralize your imports)
 * Import this file using the following HTML or equivalent:
 * <link href="/stylesheets/screen.css" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> */
/* line 1, ../scss/_compass.scss */
body {
  background: red;

/* line 1, ../../uberBuilderCommon/_uberTest.scss */
.uberBuilderClass {
  color: red;

/* line 1, ../scss/_overRideMe.scss */
.thisUberTestIsBeingLocallyOverRidden {
  color: blue;


I have copied the contents of the uberBuilderCommon to the directory ./additionalImportPath to make it easy for you to perform your own test on your own system.

I am running Mac OS X 10.7.5 using ruby-1.9.3-p194 and Sass 3.2.5 (Media Mark) with Compass 0.12.2 (Alnilam)

This test was last performed: 2013-03-06 16:06:33


This project is just a simple default compass project built to test the ability to override sass libraries from already installed gems.






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