A library for Python 3 that provides a variety of helper functions for working with the Canvas API. Pagination is dealt with automatically for all relevant functions (so a returned pandas DataFrame will have ALL information).
This library can be installed using pip (https://pypi.org/project/CC-API-jh2/).
pip install CC-API-jh2
from CC_API_jh2 import CAPICO
URL input (url): The URL of the Canvas instance you are running the scripts on. An example would be:
url = 'https://canvas.ubc.ca'
DateTime input: Canvas accepts DateTime objects of UTC-8 in ISO8601 format. The easiest way to do this is by using the datetime and pytz library. An example would be:
#Set your local timezone (takes into consideration Daylight Savings) local = pytz.timezone("America/Vancouver") time = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minutes, 0, 0, local) time = start_at.astimezone(pytz.UTC)
IDs of Canvas objects (Course, Account, etc.): They can be easily found in the URL, and should be inputted as Strings, as mentioned in the function specifications below. For example, if your URL was as follows, https://canvas.ubc.ca/courses/123456789, then:
course_id = '123456789'
Listed below are all the available functions, categorised by what level they affect.
Compiles a paginated list into a single Pandas Dataframe
sublist (JSON): Initial API response text
token (String): Canvas token
A single Pandas DataFrame of all information for a paginated list
def paginate_list(sub_list, token)
Function gets page views for a user between start and end dates (UTC-8 DateTime objects).
user (String): Canvas user ID in question
token (String): Canvas token
start (DateTime): UTC-8 DateTime object for start of time range
end (DateTime): UTC-8 DateTime object for end of time range
Pandas dataframe of all pages views for a user between start and end date
def get_user_page_views(user, token, url, start, end)
Helper function that gets Canvas course information.
course_id (String): ID of Canvas course
token (String): User-generated API token
url (String): URL of Canvas instance
Course object (JSON)
def get_course_info(course_id, token, url)
Gets all students in a course.
url (String): URL of Canvas instance
class_id (String): Canvas ID of course
token (String): Canvas token
Pandas DataFrame of students in a course
def get_student_list(url, class_id, token)
Gets all course modules
url (String): URL of Canvas instance
class_id(String): Canvas ID of course
token (String): Canvas token
Pandas DataFrame of modules in a course
def get_course_modules(url, class_id, token)
Gets all course pages
url (String): URL of Canvas instance
class_id(String): Canvas ID of course
token (String): Canvas token
Pandas DataFrame of pages in a course
def get_course_pages(url, class_id, token)
Gets all course files
url (String): URL of Canvas instance
class_id(String): Canvas ID of course
token (String): Canvas token
Pandas DataFrame of files in a course
def get_course_files(url, class_id, token)
Gets all users with as specified role in a course
url_in (String): URL of Canvas instance
token_in (String): Canvas token
course_in (String): Canvas ID of course
user_type (String): Specified role to look for (e.g. students)
Pandas DataFrame of all users with a specified role in a course
def get_course_users(url_in, token_in, course_in, user_type)
# allow_student_organized_groups, enable_offline_web_export
Change settings for a course
url_in (String): URL of Canvas instance
token_in (String): Canvas token
course_in (String): Canvas ID of course
setting_name (String): Name of setting to change
setting_value (int/Boolean): 1 is True, 0 is False
def change_course_settings(url_in, token_in, course_in, setting_name, setting_value)
Get all submissions for a specified quiz (Incomplete)
url_in (String): URL of Canvas instance
token_in (String): Canvas token
course_in (String): Canvas ID of course
quiz_in (String): Canvas ID of quiz
JSON of all quiz submissions
def get_all_quiz_submissions(url_in, token_in, course_in, quiz_in)
Gives specified extra time to student
url (String): URL of Canvas instance
token (String): Canvas token
class_id (String): Canvas ID of course
quiz_id (String): Canvas ID of quiz
student_id (String): Canvas ID of student
extra_time (String): Extra time given to student in minutes
Response body of API request
def extend_time(url, token, class_id, quiz_id, student_id, extra_time)
Gives specified extra time to all students in a course
url (String): URL of Canvas instance
token (String): Canvas token
class_id (String): Canvas ID of course
quiz_id (String): Canvas ID of quiz
extra_time (String): Extra time given to student in minutes
def extend_all(url, token, class_id, quiz_id, extra_time)
Helper function that gets a list of courses associated with a blueprint course (MAY CHANGE WHEN BLUEPRINT SYSTEM UPDATED)
blue_id: Blueprint course ID on Canvas
token: User-generated API token
url: URL of Canvas instance
def get_associated_courses(blue_id, token, url)
Function adds and removes courses from blueprint associations
blue_id (String): Canvas ID of blueprint course
token (String): Canvas token
url (String): Canvas URL
to_remove (List[String]): List of courses to remove from blueprint association (if you do not wish to remove any, give an empty list)
to_add (List[String]): List of courses to add from blueprint association (if you do not wish to add any, give an empty list)
def update_associations(blue_id, token, url, to_remove, to_add)
Function prints out the subaccount structure of a given node
account_id (String): Canvas ID of node to find children for
token (String): Canvas token
url (String): Canvas URL
def print_subaccount_tree(account_id, token, url)
Gets the info about a subaccount (Incomplete)
def get_account_info(url_in, token_in, subaccount_in)
Gets all courses under a subaccount (and all of its children accounts as well)
url_in (String): URL of Canvas instance
token_in (String): Canvas token
subaccount_in (String, int): Canvas Subaccount ID
Pandas DataFrame of all course under a subaccount
def get_account_courses(url_in, token_in, subaccount_in)
# See change_course_settings
def change_course_settings_subaccount(url_in, token_in, subaccount_in, setting_names, setting_value)
List all of the enrollment terms under a master account
url_in (String): URL of Canvas instance
token_in (String): Canvas token
subaccount_in (String): Canvas ID of master account
Pandas DataFrame of all enrollment terms
def list_enrollment_terms(url_in, token_in, subaccount_in)