A Drupal module to add some common widgets to CKeditor
Plugin source should be added to
and the build tools expect this
directory to include an index.js
file that exports one or more CKEditor 5
plugins. Note that requiring index.js
to be inside
is not a fixed requirement of CKEditor 5 or Drupal,
but a requirement of this starter template that can be changed in
as needed.
In the module directory, run yarn install
to set up the necessary assets. The
initial run of install
may take a few minutes, but subsequent builds will be
After installing dependencies, plugins can be built with yarn build
or yarn watch
. They will be built to js/build/{pluginNameDirectory}.js
. co
- make editor widgets for CKEditor 5 that retain feature parity tothose from CKEditor 4
- CKE4 and CKE5 widgets should exist in one module
- CKE5 widgets from repo #2 and #3 should be moved to repo #1 (can leave repo #2 and #3 as is)
- final markup in CKE5 widgets should be the same as is currently used by the CKE4 widgets
- https://github.com/ubc-web-services/ubc_ckeditor_widgets/tree/vanilla-js
- https://github.com/ubc-web-services/ubc-column-options-widget
- https://github.com/ubc-web-services/ubc-color-box-widget
- accordion [complete]
- accordion toggle [complete]
- card-horizontal [complete]
- card-one [complete]
- card-two [complete]
- card-three [complete]
- 2 columns [deprecated]
- 2 columns 1 2 [deprecated]
- 2 columns 2 1 [deprecated]
- 3 columns [deprecated]
- fontawesome icon [deprecated - no cke5 equivalent]
- 2 columns with options [complete]
- 3 columns with options [complete]
- 4 columns with options [complete]
- Color Box [complete]
- UBC Table Class (adds presentational classes to table elements) [complete]
- UBC Table Cell Class (adds width classes to TD elements) [complete]
- v4: https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor4/latest/api/CKEDITOR.html
- custom widget example:
- v5: https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/api/index.html
- Dev Tools for CKE5 - https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor5_dev
- CKE5 Drupal API - https://www.drupal.org/docs/drupal-apis/ckeditor-5-api/overview
- Development guide - https://www.drupal.org/docs/core-modules-and-themes/core-modules/ckeditor-5-module/ckeditor-5-development