A collection of dotfiles, notably supporting these shells and programs:
- Zsh Shell
- Bash Shell
- tmux Terminal Multiplexer
- nvim Text Editor
Both Bash and Zsh shell configurations include some degree of completion and git support.
The tmux theme is a fork of the Catpputtin tmux plugin. Combined with a fork of the Continuum plugin, it's possible to display the interval and duration of tmux environment automatic saves.
Noteable features:
- rebelot/heirline.nvim to produce a fully customized statusline (and optional tabline) that matches the tmux theme.
- idanarye/nvim-impairative to provide functionality like that of tpope/vim-unimpaired plugin, and more.
- rmagatti/auto-session for automatic session management.
- smoka7/hop.nvim to improve the f/F and t/T motions, and to make jumping anywhere, even across windows, a snap.
- gbprod/yanky.nvim for improved yank functionality, and for the yank-ring (similar to the Emacs "kill-ring" feature).
Sources and acknowledgments are noted in code comments, but some notible sources include:
- LazyVim's documentation was invaluable. Many of my configurations were based on code provided in LazyVim's documentation.
- The sudo save and execution utility functions are someone else's hard work, but I was unable to find their original author. If you know who wrote them, I would very much like to acknowledge their work.
The dotfiles are intended to be used in a detached worktree:
git clone --bare https://github.com/u0398/.dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
git config core.bare false
git config core.worktree "$HOME"
git config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
cd ~
rm -r ~/.bash* ~/.profile
git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ checkout
git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ submodule update --init --recursive --remote
git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ remote set-url origin [email protected]:u0398/.dotfiles.git
fzf requires installation. The config files need no modification, so use --bin
to only install the binary.
cd ~/.config/fzf
./install --bin
Build batcat's binary cache for custom catppuccin themes.
bat cache --build
Finally, switch to zsh shell, and reconnect.
chsh -s /bin/zsh
Then use thedotgit
(lazygit) to work with the repository.
- zsh
- lazygit
- neovim (unstable)
- fzf
- batcat
- ripgrep
- fd