A ruby module for interacting with ProofPoint Threat Insight Dashboard API
Proofpoint provides access to his customers to following ProofPoint APIs:
- Campaign
- Forensics
ProofPoint API description can be find here
- ruby 2.3+
- json
- rest-client
- private ProofPoint API keys and Service Principal
Copy the module file in your ruby module path folder
Actual version supports only email analyzed by ProofPoint and not Url.
require 'proofpoint'
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL = "your service principal"
SECRET = "your secret key"
# Get all threats blocked or delivered from PP SIEM API for the last 5 minutes
allrawthreats = ProofPoint::PPSiem.all(SERVICE_PRINCIPAL, SECRET, 'sinceSeconds', '300')
# Parse returned data by using a wrapped object
allthreats = ProofPoint::PPSiem::PPSiemMessagesParser.new(allrawthreats) if !allrawthreats.nil?
# Apply specific methods for interesting data and get back result to an Array
if !allthreats.nil?
# Get all delivered threats in an Array
delivered_threats = allthreats.get_delivered_threat
# Get all blocked threats in an Array
blocked_threats = allthreats.get_blocked_threat
# Get only delivered Malware threat in an Array
delivered_malwares = allthreats.get_delivered_malware
# Get score for delivered messages in an Array
msg_blocked_scores = allthreats.get_blocked_score
# Get score for blocked messages in an Array
msg_delivered_scores = allthreats.get_delivered_score
require 'proofpoint'
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL = "your service principal"
SECRET = "your secret key"
if ARGV.length != 1
puts "Please provide a threatId for checking indicators"
# Get additional informations from a threatId by querying PP Forensics API
indicators = ProofPoint::PPForensics.get(SERVICE_PRINCIPAL, SECRET, ARGV[0])
# wrapp object
parsedindicators = ProofPoint::PPForensics::PPForensicsParser.new(indicators) if !indicators.nil?
# Get malicious indicators details in an array
maliciousiocs = parsedindicators.get_malicious_indicator if !parsedindicators.nil?