Show your QR code on your pebble watch.
Tyler Ouyang @tylerwowen
Jessie Lin @jessiel (Android app)
Kenneth Chan @cub01d (Android app)
- QR code
- Aztec code (iOS v1.3+, Android v?)
- Install Android/iOS app 'QRBuddy for Pebble'
- Install Pebble Watchapp 'QRBuddy for Pebble'
- Save your QR code to your Photo Library, or you can take a picture of it through the iOS app
- Launch the Android/iOS app, and the Watchapp will be launched automatically
- Select a QR code
- Andoird
Press "Gallery" button to choose a QR code from your photo gallery - iOS
Choose your QR code from "Photo Library" by clicking the button at the lower left conner
- Wait until the QR code is transferred
- Now you can use your Watchapp only
- To access the 'QRBuddy for Pebble' quickly, set 'Quick Launch' by long pressing either the up or the down button and choose WeChat Buddy
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