Build :: k0s :: linux-amd64
Build :: k0s :: windows-amd64
Unit tests :: linux-amd64
Unit tests :: windows-amd64
Smoke test on armv7/arm64
Build :: Airgap image bundle
Build :: SBOM
Autopilot tests :: v1.28.5+k0s.0
Smoke tests :: check-addons
Smoke tests :: check-airgap
Smoke tests :: check-ap-airgap
Smoke tests :: check-ap-ha3x3
Smoke tests :: check-ap-platformselect
Smoke tests :: check-ap-quorum
Smoke tests :: check-ap-quorumsafety
Smoke tests :: check-ap-removedapis
Smoke tests :: check-ap-selector
Smoke tests :: check-ap-single
Smoke tests :: check-ap-updater
Smoke tests :: check-ap-updater-periodic
Smoke tests :: check-backup
Smoke tests :: check-basic
Smoke tests :: check-byocri
Smoke tests :: check-calico
Smoke tests :: check-capitalhostnames
Smoke tests :: check-cli
Smoke tests :: check-clusterreboot
Smoke tests :: check-cnichange
Smoke tests :: check-configchange
Smoke tests :: check-containerdimports
Smoke tests :: check-ctr
Smoke tests :: check-custom-cidrs
Smoke tests :: check-customca
Smoke tests :: check-customdomain
Smoke tests :: check-customports
Smoke tests :: check-customports-dynamicconfig
Smoke tests :: check-defaultstorage
Smoke tests :: check-disabledcomponents
Smoke tests :: check-dualstack
Smoke tests :: check-dualstack-dynamicconfig
Smoke tests :: check-embedded-binaries
Smoke tests :: check-externaletcd
Smoke tests :: check-extraargs
Smoke tests :: check-hacontrolplane
Smoke tests :: check-hostnameoverride
Smoke tests :: check-k0scloudprovider
Smoke tests :: check-k0sctl
Smoke tests :: check-kine
Smoke tests :: check-kubectl
Smoke tests :: check-kubeletcertrotate
Smoke tests :: check-kuberouter
Smoke tests :: check-metrics
Smoke tests :: check-metricsscraper
Smoke tests :: check-multicontroller
Smoke tests :: check-network-conformance-calico
Smoke tests :: check-network-conformance-kuberouter
Smoke tests :: check-nllb
Smoke tests :: check-noderole
Smoke tests :: check-noderole-no-taints
Smoke tests :: check-noderole-single
Smoke tests :: check-psp
Smoke tests :: check-singlenode
Smoke tests :: check-statussocket
Smoke tests :: check-upgrade
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