A code fuzzing library for simulating variance in models of socio-technical systems, based on the PyDySoFu library.
Tom Wallis
School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
GitHub ID: probablytom [email protected] -
Tim Storer
School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
GitHub ID: twsswt [email protected]
Fuzzi Moss is a library for simulating variance in models of idealised workflow of socio-technical systems. The purpose is to evaluate the resilience of a socio-technical system when a work flow is imperfectly executed by the actors in the system. These variations to the idealised work flow may be caused by a variety of factors, such as excess load on human actors, insufficient or incorrect knowledge during decision making, or the development of local 'optimisations' that short cut desired behaviour.
Socio-technical workflows are implemented in the theatre_ag framework. The variance is implemented using the pydysofu dynamic code fuzzing. A socio-technical system is represented as a collection of python classes that capture the pertinent aspects of the problem state as instance attributes. System work flows are represented as a hierarchical collection of functions that manipulate the state of the system model, with a top level function providing an entry point for the work flow. Work flow functions can optionally be collected into a class if desired.
Fuzzers are under development to represent high level cognitive behaviours in a workflow (incomplete).
- Become distracted
- Become muddled
- Decision mistake