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Freek Dijkstra edited this page May 14, 2018 · 9 revisions

nbt.chunk Module

Handles a single chunk of data (16x16x128 blocks) from a Minecraft save.

WARNING: Chunk is currently McRegion only. You likely should not use chunk, but instead just get the NBT datastructure, and do the appropriate lookups and block conversions yourself.

The authors decided to focus on NBT datastructure and Region files, and are not actively working on Code contributions to are welcomed!

class nbt.chunk.Chunk(nbt)

Bases: object

Class for representing a single chunk.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Return the coordinates of this chunk.


Return a representation of this Chunk.

class nbt.chunk.McRegionChunk(nbt)

Bases: nbt.chunk.Chunk


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class nbt.chunk.BlockArray(blocksBytes=None, dataBytes=None)

Bases: object

Convenience class for dealing with a Block/data byte array.

__init__(blocksBytes=None, dataBytes=None)

Create a new BlockArray, defaulting to no block or data bytes.


Return the blocks that are in this BlockArray.


Return the data of all the blocks in this BlockArray.


Return both blocks and data, packed together as tuples.


Return a dictionary with block ids keyed to (x, y, z).


Return a list of all blocks in this chunk.


Return a list of data for all blocks in this chunk.

generate_heightmap(buffer=False, as_array=False)

Return a heightmap, representing the highest solid blocks in this chunk.

set_blocks(list=None, dict=None, fill_air=False)

Sets all blocks in this chunk, using either a list or dictionary. Blocks not explicitly set can be filled to air by setting fill_air to True.

set_block(x, y, z, id, data=0)

Sets the block a x, y, z to the specified id, and optionally data.

get_block(x, y, z, coord=False)

Return the id of the block at x, y, z.

get_data(x, y, z, coord=False)

Return the data of the block at x, y, z.

get_block_and_data(x, y, z, coord=False)

Return the tuple of (id, data) for the block at x, y, z
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