Useful (mainly generator) scripts for MapMagic version > 2.1.8,
Requires the paid-for app 'MapMagic2' ; Also the 'Spline', and 'Object', addons where noted.
STATE OF DEVELOPMENT: Utterly alpha. These are barely tested, never mind battle-hardened. Pulls welcomed.
Provides a way to directly pass a regular map output to be parsed like : HOLE 1 (White) > (BLACK) 0 TERRAIN
SO THAT MEANS: any value > float.Epsilon
results in a hole. Multiple instances of the output are now supported.
The Holes output eliding sections of terrain
Any non-black value becomes a hole
AceDisplay - simple - tiny - fast display that also clamp01's
Invert - invert the data so it is effectively outlined (see picture)
MaskToZero - Just like the regular mask except it provides an internal null input that reduces the complexity of operation
Subdivide - Utility control to increase segment count in input splines by factor to output
WigglerMini - adds a set of random offsets into an input set of splines
Bendy - (created To follow Wiggler) - or other inputted splines. Accentuates Tangent. Increases segment count by factor.
Clamp - Utility to ensure splines are indeed clamped to the Active or Full Area - or not at all.
A few simple straight lines being turned into complex system with these controls
NodeToObject - Converts every node on a spline to an object. No, it does not respect the orientation of the original spline.
RandomGen - A required helper script for the controls that creates a thread safe random using cryptography
LerpToGround - helper to jump objects to ground
LerpToGroundAfterDelay - same as above but with delay
CAN I INCLUDE THIS AS A PACKAGE? No, despite it being ready to be delivered as one, Unity has not yet implemented the ability to reference an Asset Store package via UPM packages. When that changes? We are ready.