$ git clone
$ cd noVNC
$ ./utils/ --vnc localhost:5900
$ git clone
$ cd twitch-viewer
$ meteor
Update configuration as needed in the tweakable parameters of twitch-viewer.js
Be sure to set the EXEC line to the correct path to twitch-master/
Meteor runs on port 3000
MongoDB runs on port 3001
noVNC runs on port 6080
Data on screen is updated via modifying the mongo database
$ cd twitch-viewer
$ meteor mongo
There are 4 relevant collections
board: {message: String}
ticker: {message: String}
ad: {url: String}
commandlog: {message: String, time: Number}
Example, to update the bulletinboard:
$ db.board.insert({message: "Important News Item!"})
Example, to update the ticker:
$ db.ticker.insert({message: "Now in Monarchy Mode!"})
To add a new command log entry:
$ db.commandlog.insert({message: "n17r4m: c", time: +new Date()})
To add a new ad image:
$ db.add.insert({url: ""})